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It's hot in Crimea. How to behave

It's hot in Crimea. How to behave

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Crimea — peak summer temperatures. I want to freshen up. There are proven methods: drink more fluids, wipe yourself with a cold towel, take a shower more often and others.

  • Prepare spicy food. In many southern countries, spicy food has long been saved from the heat. It is not for nothing that different types of pepper have taken root in the kitchens of India, China, Thailand, and Mexico. Spicy food helps to cool faster and keep a slightly lower temperature longer. Usually on a hot day we drink chilled water. This method leads to fast results. True, at this time, our body immediately accumulates its resources to make up for the lack of heat. As a result, we become even hotter. Spicy food works differently. It increases blood flow, warms up the body, as a result, a person sweats, sweat evaporates, cooling the skin. Thus, the body regulates the temperature on its own, while the heat returns more slowly. True, in the event that you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • Cut out salt and protein. Salty foods and protein release metabolic heat during digestion and cause water loss. So, proteins take about 20-30% of the calories produced. Due to the energy expended, some people may experience sweat on their foreheads after eating a steak. As a result, body temperature after a heavy meal may rise slightly. As for salty food, it absorbs fluid in the body, as a result of which we become even hotter.
  • Add vitamin C to your diet. The beneficial effect of this substance on the operation of heat transfer mechanisms was proven back in 1982 in a study by the University of Alabama. Taking vitamin C daily shortens the time it takes for the body to adjust to a hotter environment. Scientists believe this is because it stimulates the sweat glands. The most important thing is not to overdo it. Doctors recommend consuming 65 to 90 mg per day. This is about 1-1.5 oranges. The maximum dose of vitamin C is 2000 mg (about 5 kg of oranges). It is advisable to obtain this substance from ordinary food]. These are mainly fruits and vegetables — an ideal diet for temperatures above +28 ° C. In addition, they contain a lot of moisture.
  • Give up caffeine. Moreover, it is worth limiting not only coffee, even cold, but also black tea. Caffeine intake is directly related to an increase in body temperature. It causes constriction of blood vessels, as a result, the blood heats up, and with it the whole body. That is why black tea helps to warm up in winter. And in summer, various herbal teas can be used as an alternative.
  • Drink hot. At first glance, there is little logic in such advice. How can hot drinks cool you down? However, the same principle applies here as with spicy food. The body heats up, the process of perspiration begins, and the body cools down. It is important to observe one rule: sweat should evaporate quickly. This means keeping the air around you dry and wearing lightweight, breathable fabrics, ideally fine cotton.
  • Cool down the pulse points. Our body temperature is regulated by the hypothalamus. This small area of ​​the brain acts as a thermostat in the body, increasing or decreasing energy production depending on various factors. For example, the hypothalamus responds to the interaction of the skin with hot or cold air. The strongest signals to the brain are sent to the so-called pulse points — the wrist, neck and temples — where we can best feel the blood flow. This is because the vessels are closest to the skin in these places. If you want to reduce body temperature, apply a cold compress to these points.
  • Be careful with fans. The need for a fan depends on the temperature in the house. According to preliminary research data, if the thermometer rises above 35 ° C, then the distilled air will only increase the heat load, contribute to dehydration and, in the worst cases, can lead to heat stroke. A lot also depends on humidity. If this indicator is increased, the air that moves around the room will carry moisture with it, and this makes it difficult for sweat to evaporate. Therefore, it is better not to turn on the fan in the room where the laundry is being dried.
  • Use mint. This herb can be used not only in salads and drinks, but also by putting the plant in water or using aromatic oils. They activate the TRPM8 protein. It reacts to menthol, which is found in peppermint and other plants of this species. The same protein is activated when we feel cold and triggers a mechanism that sends information to the brain about a drop in temperature. In fact, menthol «deceives» the protein, but due to this illusion, we feel cool.
  • Do foot baths. By the way, you can add menthol or eucalyptus oils to them, which also affects the TRPM8 protein. There are many vessels in the feet that are close to the skin, which helps to cool the whole body. Therefore, if you hold your feet in cold water for 10-20 minutes, you can refresh yourself. There is no scientific evidence to back up the myth that cold feet lead to colds. The maximum that studies show is the probability of catching a cold in one case in ten. However, scientists have yet to find out if there is a direct relationship between wet feet and a cold.
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source: press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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