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It would seem that it is impossible to get lost on the well-trodden tourist “Golitsyn trail”. Refuted

It would seem that it is impossible to get lost on the well-trodden tourist “Golitsyn trail”. Refuted

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On September 4, at 20:20, the Crisis Management Center received a message that a woman got lost on the “Golitsyn trail”, near the village of Novy Svet. The help of lifeguards is required.

The duty shift of the Sudak emergency rescue team of the GKU RK «CRIMEA-SPAS» consisting of 4 people and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Crimea left for the presumable area of ​​search and rescue operations.

Upon arrival at the scene, rescuers carried out activities to search for the woman, after which they escorted her to a safe place. She didn’t need medical attention.the emergency department said.

The tourist simply lost her way, went out onto a steep slope and panicked, realizing that it was getting dark quickly. KRYM-SPAS clarified the information:

Visual contact was made with her using the light from a mobile phone. The woman was found in a deep beam between the village. New World and Merry, after which they evacuated her to a safe place.

A preventive conversation was held with the tourist about the rules of behavior in the mountain-forest zone. And most importantly, help came on time.

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