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January 29 — Peter's Day, Peter the Half-Food

January 29 — Peter's Day, Peter the Half-Food

CrimeaPRESS reports:

January 29 is the day of worship of the chains (chains) of the Apostle Peter. Christians remember a biblical event: during the period of persecution of Christians, the Apostle Peter was arrested and, by order of King Herod Agrippa, he was put in prison, shackled in iron chains. At night, an angel appeared to the apostle, miraculously removed the chains and led Peter out of captivity. Later, these chains were found by the first Christians and began to be kept as a sacred relic and evidence of a Miracle.

According to popular belief, today is Peter the Half-Food. In Rus’, it was believed that this day divided winter into two parts: its first half had already ended, and with it half of all food preparations and supplies went away. And this is where doubts began: will the remaining supplies be enough until spring, will they spoil, and how long will the cold last? That is why on January 29 people were especially sensitive to weather signs. And they are like this:

  • A snowstorm is blowing — summer will be rainy.
  • North wind on Peter’s Day — expect colder temperatures and frosts.
  • A frosty day means summer will be hot and dry.
  • They say that the ice breaks on Peter. But January 29, as a rule, is characterized by severe frosts. On this occasion they said: “On this day the frost tears and tears the iron, and kills the birds in flight.”
  • It’s snowing on Petra — there will be a lot of grass in the meadows. In addition, you can expect successful fishing in the warm season.
  • A blizzard has begun — it will be a cold and rainy summer, but there will be no fish to be caught.
  • If at sunset on January 29 the sun is red, you can expect frosty but sunny weather the next day.
  • A bright month with steep horns on January 29 heralds a light and pleasant frost.
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Name days are celebrated today by: Vasily, Ivan, Pavel, Naum, Maxim, Barsanuphius, Neonila, Peter, Neon. Do you know anyone with these names? Don’t forget to congratulate!

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