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January 8 – Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Babe's porridge, Christmas time. Don't cook jelly

January 8 – Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Babe's porridge, Christmas time. Don't cook jelly

CrimeaPRESS reports:

This day was called «Baby’s porridge» because on January 8 people celebrated the holiday of midwives, who were especially revered in Holy Rus’. Many proverbs and sayings were written about their God-given gift — “to help the mother in labor.” They said, for example: “Every grandmother has her own ways,” “Wait, don’t give birth, but go get your grandmother,” “Grandma will come and help you with everything,” “God is with mercy, and grandmother is with hands.” A good midwife was always in great demand, because the successful course of labor and the birth of a healthy baby depended to a large extent on her.

In addition, Christmastide continues. They began on the evening of Christmas Eve and will end on the morning of the day of Epiphany. This is the most joyful of winter holidays, both in pre-Christian Rus’ (celebrations dedicated to the god Svyatovit) and in Orthodox Rus’. The fortune-telling that accompanied the pagan Christmastide has survived to this day (previously, spells were cast for the year ahead, plus fortune-telling was carried out, the purpose of the most important ones was to find out about the future harvest).

As for the signs, then:

  • If there is a blizzard and frost on this day, it means that summer will be cold.
  • If a person was born on January 8, it means he will be a good master.
  • He is recommended to wear a diamond as a talisman.
  • Midwives are supposed to give cloth and towels — “for an easy journey” to the children they have adopted. In addition, midwives are brought treats, which promises happiness for the donors and an easy birth for women.
  • On this day, a small child was raised above his own head so that he would grow tall, strong, beautiful and healthy.
  • On January 8th, you cannot buy ropes or products made from them, as this could lead to someone in the family hanging themselves.
  • You can’t cook or eat jelly — it’s for the dead.
  • Carolers who come to the house must be let in and treated to delicious food, which will bring happiness and prosperity to the owners of the house, peace and tranquility in the family.
  • If there is snow and frost outside the window, this is a sign that the summer will be stormy and cold.
  • If the morning is sunny and clear, expect a good millet harvest.
  • According to the sign, on January 8, the porridge burned — there will be snowfalls.
  • Flocks of crows fly overhead — there will be a blizzard.
  • If tits are chirping, expect night frosts.
  • If you take out broken dishes or other unnecessary rubbish from your home on January 8th, misfortune will come to the family.
  • If the stove burns a white flame rather than a red one, it will soon become warmer.
  • If you hear a chaffinch singing, there will be a thaw soon.
  • Snow sticks to your palms — wait for warmth.
  • The north wind will bring with it cold and cold.
  • If after sunset the sky turns red, expect severe frosts.
  • On January 8, fortune telling for harvest and marriage is the most truthful.
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Name days are celebrated today by: Mikhail, Maria, Anfisa, Efim, Gregory, Joseph, David, Isaac, Konstantin, Alexander.

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