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Jet propulsion: Artek residents created and launched hydropneumatic rockets

Jet propulsion: Artek residents created and launched hydropneumatic rockets

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The International Children’s Center «Artek» hosted the rocket festival «Jet Propulsion». Teams from all camps of the children’s center took part in the event. The children created their own hydropneumatic rockets and launched them. The competition took place with the support of the VoltBro project, the Research Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University (MSU) and the Roscosmos State Corporation.

Jet propulsion: Artek residents created and launched hydropneumatic rockets

The Jet Propulsion festival was held with the aim of involving talented youth in the engineering sciences of the space industry.

Jet propulsion: Artek residents created and launched hydropneumatic rockets

We decided to organize a rocket festival since summer is ending and hydropneumatic rockets are a lot of fun. Their launch always makes a big impression on the guys. In this way we want to involve children in rocket science, because this is a very important industry for our country,” explained Anton Rogachev, leading engineer at the Research Institute of Mechanics at Moscow State University.

Jet propulsion: Artek residents created and launched hydropneumatic rockets

Each team was tasked with developing a project, building and launching a hydropneumatic rocket. In the process of working on the project, the participants became acquainted with the physics of flight, circuit design, and also acquired project skills, such as teamwork and project defense. Having designed their rockets, the guys successfully launched them at the stadium of the Gorny complex.

Jet propulsion: Artek residents created and launched hydropneumatic rockets

Launching a rocket is an exciting process because you never really know whether it will work or not. The launch was successful, which indicates that my team successfully completed– shared Georgy Lazishvili, Moscow.

Jet propulsion: Artek residents created and launched hydropneumatic rockets

It was not easy to assemble the rocket, but thanks to the mentors and the pleasant atmosphere that reigned in the team, everything went well. I really love physics and chemistry. Participation in this event gave me an incentive to continue studying science. This is my first experience assembling a rocket.– said Sofia Kaverda, Moscow.

In total, more than 100 people took part in the Jet Propulsion festival.

Jet propulsion: Artek residents created and launched hydropneumatic rockets

Photos and materials: press service of the Artek Medical Center.

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