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Joboffers are used by 4 out of 10 employers in Crimea

Joboffers are used by 4 out of 10 employers in Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In the service survey SuperJob Representatives of employers and economically active citizens took part.

41% of Crimean companies use a job offer in their practice, i.e. a written document containing the key conditions of the proposed work: in 22% of organizations, all candidates receive such offers, and in another 19%, certain categories of personnel. Most often, job offers are sent to top and middle managers, IT specialists, office and engineering and technical workers.

According to the survey, every third city resident (33%) received a job offer from a potential employer. Interestingly, men receive offers more often than women. The older the respondents, the more of them received a job offer in the form of an official document. At the same time, the number of people who received an offer increases with the growth of income: among respondents with a salary of up to 50 thousand rubles per month, such 27%, and among those whose income is from 100 thousand rubles, already 40%.

Time: July 20 – August 5, 2024

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