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July 12 – St. Peter's Day. Summer… suddenly… is waning, and autumn is approaching

July 12 – St. Peter's Day. Summer… suddenly… is waning, and autumn is approaching

CrimeaPRESS reports:

July 12 is a day that has many names: Petrok, Peter-Pavel, Green Mowing, Peter the Fisherman, Peter’s Day, Peter and Paul, Petrovka, Fisherman. People considered this day a holiday of the sun — it plays in the sky and shines with all the colors of the rainbow. Peter was called the patron of fields and meadows, and they began the harvest. In addition, from this day on, fairs began, which were called «Peter’s festivities». They sold the first harvest and products of folk crafts. It was not allowed to work at home or in the field on this day. It was also customary to bathe on this day. They believed that water on Peter’s Day cleanses a person of sins.

And they also said that from July 12, summer begins to wane, and autumn is already approaching. The cuckoo stops calling, the nightingale no longer sings, and the first leaves begin to fall from the trees.

The Church today honors the memory of Peter and Paul, two apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ. It is known that Peter was one of the disciples of the Savior, but originally bore the name Simon. His father was a simple fisherman, and Peter was engaged in a similar trade. It was Jesus who called Peter as a disciple and named him Peter, and this name means «stone» in translation. Peter was called together with his brother Andrew. It was he who witnessed many events that took place in the life of Jesus. He is considered the first Pope and the founder of the Christian Church.

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In the old days, the holiday was called Peter’s fast, since Peter’s fast often ended on July 12. They prepared a plentiful meal and invited relatives, neighbors, beggars, and old people to visit. Since Peter was considered the patron saint of fishing, they prayed to him for a good catch and asked him to tell them whether they should cast their nets or whether there would be a storm. It is known that this day was also considered the time to pay all duties and debts, and the church received the so-called Peter’s tribute.

The signs for today are as follows:

  • If it rains on Peter’s Day, there will be wet haymaking.
  • If it rained twice during the day, it means there will be a rich harvest.
  • The cuckoo calls after St. Peter’s Day — the summer will be long, and winter will not come soon.
  • Leaves begin to fall from the trees on July 12th – autumn will soon arrive.
  • The nightingale sings for several more days after St. Peter’s Day — winter will begin after the Intercession.
  • The day is especially hot — there will be frost on Christmas.
  • The leaves on the birch trees turn yellow – it means early leaf fall.
  • Lots of dew in the morning means hot weather. No dew means rain.
  • Clouds floating against the wind means rain.
  • A clear day means a warm summer.
  • It’s cold outside — there will be a poor harvest.
Name days celebrated today by: Peter, Gregory, Pavel.

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