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July 14 – Demyan and Kuzma Day. Let’s make gooseberry jam!

July 14 – Demyan and Kuzma Day. Let’s make gooseberry jam!

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On July 14, it was customary for people to have get-togethers. This day was also called «Summer Kuzminki». It was considered a holiday for girls and women. The entire female half of the village would gather in a noisy crowd, having previously prepared treats together, dance in circles and sing songs. A glass or two of home-brew or beer was also not forbidden. But the day was considered a Lenten day, so they treated themselves only to plant foods. The women treated beggars to wandering beggars with the remains of their food. It was believed that saints descended to earth in their image to help the peasant repair his simple tools: carts, rakes and scythes.

Also on this day they picked raspberries, the first vegetables and weeded the gardens. They also made gooseberry jam.

The Church today honors the memory of the holy unmercenaries and miracle workers Damian and Cosmas, who lived in Rome and died in 284. Damian and Cosmas were brothers and initially became famous as doctors. In addition, they had the gift of healing, which is how they became famous among the people. Moreover, the brothers helped people completely free of charge, which is why they received the nickname of the unmercenaries. They openly preached faith in Jesus Christ. During the persecution organized against Christians, the brothers were arrested and brought to trial, where they tried to prove that they were not engaged in sorcery and witchcraft, and were not deceiving anyone. However, at first they were not believed. At that time, Emperor Carina fell seriously ill, and the brothers were brought to him, telling them to demonstrate their gift. After this, Damian and Cosmas were released. However, in this city there lived a doctor-mentor of the brothers, who envied their fame. The old man called the brothers to the mountains, supposedly to collect medicinal herbs, where he killed them, throwing their bodies into the river.

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As for signs:

  • A young red moon means windy weather. The moon in the second third means rain.
  • The wind blows from the west — it will rain.
  • Blacksmiths did not work on this day, so as not to send hail to the earth.
  • Raspberries picked on Kuzminki during the waxing moon and tied with a red ribbon are considered a talisman against evil spirits. If a person possessed by a demon eats a handful of such berries for a month, he will soon be cured.
  • If Kuzminskaya raspberries are collected on the waning moon, they also have special power. If a married woman treats her rival with them, she will leave her husband alone. Jam made from these raspberries is also suitable for these purposes.
  • If you dreamed about raspberries on the night of July 14, it means you will have a sweet life.
  • On this day, you can «hook» your betrothed with the help of a thorny gooseberry branch. To do this, you need to approach the guy you like and lightly prick him with the branch. Soon he will pay attention to you.
  • A child born on this day to parents who love to drink will inherit their passion for alcoholic beverages.
Today’s name days are celebrated by: Alexey, Peter, Tikhon, Ivan, Arkady, Konstantin, Kuzma, Pavel, Lev, Vasily.

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