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July 17 – Andrey Naliva Day. Serve oatmeal to the table

July 17 – Andrey Naliva Day. Serve oatmeal to the table

CrimeaPRESS reports:

July 17 is a day when heavy rains are sure to fall. People called this day Nalivy, because by this time winter crops grew in the fields. By the way, they judged the future harvest by the weather. The main dish on the table today was oatmeal with butter. But! They did not sit down at the table first — first they fed the horses properly, because the success of the entire summer harvest depended on their strength and endurance. And the animals were also given the steam from boiled oat husks to breathe in. It was believed that with the help of such a simple procedure, the horses would not get sick all year.

There were also several interesting rituals associated with oats on this day. For example, if a girl wants to get married, she should cook oatmeal jelly, eat it and even lick the bowl so that nothing is left. If she does this, she will soon meet her betrothed, who will be faithful to her until the end of her days.

The Church now honors Andrei Naliva or Andrei Rublev. He is one of those people whose works were recognized as masterpieces during the lifetime of the authors. Andrei was engaged in icon painting, and his works were in many churches. The Orthodox Church canonized Rublev, adding him to the ranks of saints. Unfortunately, there is little information about the life of Andrei Rublev. It is only known that he was born into a family of artisans, after which he took monastic vows while still of conscious age — this happened on the territory of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

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The signs for July 17 are as follows:

  • What the weather is like today, that’s what it will be like on August 11 (in Kalinnik).
  • Leaves turned yellow early? Early autumn and winter.
  • Lots of clouds mean warmth.
  • The thunder rumbles especially loudly — it will hail soon.
  • Chickens hide in the hen house at the first drops of rain — a sign of prolonged downpours.
  • A bright rainbow in the sky? To heavy rain.
  • If there are a lot of berries in the forest, the winter will be cold.

Those who know also say that if you drink a cup of tea with lemon in the morning on July 17, no illness will overcome you in the near future. And to prevent evil spirits from getting into your home, you need to fumigate it with St. John’s wort smoke. A sprig of this plant should also be hung over the threshold.

The following people celebrate their name day today: Maria, Alexandra, Martha, Anastasia, Olga, Tatyana, Efim, Andrey, Mark, Nikolay.

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