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July 22 – Kirill and Pankraty. Cucumbers, medicinal herbs, love magic

July 22 – Kirill and Pankraty. Cucumbers, medicinal herbs, love magic

CrimeaPRESS reports:

People have noticed that the season of the most powerful summer thunderstorms begins on July 22. However, the bad weather is usually short-lived.

In the gardens, they are now beginning to collect the first harvest of cucumbers. In the old days, by the way, there was such a belief: in order to have no shortage of cucumbers the following year, the housewife had to bury the first picked vegetable as deep as possible. If this cucumber is dug up by an animal or a person, the year will be poor. But before doing this, you should thank the heavenly patrons of this day — Kirill and Pankraty. No one in the household should know that the first cucumber was picked and buried!

By the way! The youngest member of the family should be the first to try the cucumbers of the new harvest on this day. It is believed that this will make them lose their bitterness.

Healers collected and dried medicinal herbs on Pankratiya. It is believed that the day is special in this regard. The grass collected today is irreplaceable in rituals of love magic.

And on July 22 the church celebrates the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Cyril and Pancratius.

  • Pancratius’ parents were born in the territory of Antioch. Pancratius’ father, having learned of the birth of Jesus, decided to go to Jerusalem with his family. There he witnessed numerous miracles performed by the Savior, after which he believed in God and met Jesus’ disciples. Later, one of the apostles baptized Pancratius, who, after the death of his parents, went to the Pontic years, living there in a cave. There he met the apostle Peter, who invited Pancratius to go with him to Cilicia and Antioch, where the apostle Paul was at that time. Somewhat later, Paul and Peter ordained Pancratius as a bishop, and for many years he governed the Sicilian city of Tauromenia. But one day, during a pagan uprising, Pancratius was stoned and died from his wounds.
  • As for the holy martyr Cyril. He served as a bishop during the reign of Emperor Maximilian. At the age of 84, he was brought to trial, where they began to force him to renounce Christ. However, Cyril did not want to worship idols, as a result of which they decided to burn him. But God spared his life, and the emperor, having seen the miracle, ordered that Cyril be released. However, very soon he was arrested again, and this time he was executed.
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The signs for July 22 are as follows:

  • The moon darkened in the sky at night – it will rain throughout the end of July.
  • Dim stars mean a thunderstorm.
  • Lilies and water lilies closed in broad daylight — it will rain the next day.
  • If frogs croak loudly, it means sunny weather. If they croak quietly, it means rain. If you don’t hear frogs croaking, it will get colder.
  • To ensure a good harvest of cucumbers, they must be sown in last year’s corn beds.
  • Many large anthills in the forest mean a cold and long winter.
  • If a rainbow appears on this day, the weather will be clear.

Name days are celebrated today by: Alexander, Kirill, Fyodor, Konstantin, Mikhail, Andrey, Ivan.

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