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July 28 – Day of Ulita and Kirik. Ghosts can be seen in the fields today

July 28 – Day of Ulita and Kirik. Ghosts can be seen in the fields today

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On Kirikov’s Day, July 28, it usually rains. But if sunny weather sets in on this day, our ancestors said that this is real happiness and luck, because it is now that the sun’s rays are the most useful, since they give strength and health. However, even warm weather does not stop the approach of autumn, which is very noticeable and even noticeable if you pay attention to the nature around. For example, the leaves of the linden begin to turn yellow, and more and more mushrooms appear in the forest, especially aspen and porcini mushrooms.

The Church now honors the memory of Kirik and Julitta (Ulitta). Legend has it that they suffered for their faith during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian in the 3rd-4th centuries. According to the description of Julitta’s life, she was a young widow of noble birth. Kirik was her son, who was also an adherent of Christian teaching. During the persecution, Julitta fled the city with Kirik. She began to live as a wanderer. But one day she was recognized on the street and brought to trial. There, Julitta confirmed that she had become a follower of Christ. Her son was taken away from her and tortured. Kirik, observing his mother’s suffering, said that he too was a follower of Christ, after which he was also tortured and finally beheaded. One of Julitta’s slaves found the bodies of the martyrs and buried them.

Also on July 28, they remember Prince Vladimir, who is also called Vladimir the Red Sun, and celebrate another date from the moment of the Baptism of Rus.

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And one more thing: the date of July 28 was considered unclean by the people. In many regions, peasants refrained from field work on this day: they were afraid of the machinations of evil spirits that gathered in open areas. Even in broad daylight on this day, the ghosts of evil dead people could appear in the field. They sent various visions to the reapers. Thus, according to folklore, an unlucky reaper could meet a ghostly old woman on the way home, a raven capable of pecking out a person’s eyes. It was believed that harvesting on this day promises nightmares brought by a summer meteor shower.

As for signs:

  • The linden tree has turned yellow – it is late autumn. If other trees have turned yellow before the linden tree – autumn will come earlier than usual.
  • A downpour in the morning means bright sun.
  • The south wind is blowing — it means clear weather.
  • Thunder rumbles loudly — there will be heavy rain.
  • An east wind blows – rainy and windy weather for several days.
  • There is no rainbow after the rain (or it appears, but only for a short time) — long sunny days are ahead!
  • Evening fog means it will rain the next day.
  • Grasshoppers chirping loudly in the field means it will be hot.

Name days are celebrated today by: Vasily, Vladimir, Avudim, Avda, Iulitta, Kirik and Justinian.

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