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July 4th – Ulyanovsk Day. Linden, however…

July 4th – Ulyanovsk Day. Linden, however…

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On July 4, our ancestors began to collect linden flowers. The tree was considered healing and various decoctions and potions were made from the flowers, which had diaphoretic, bactericidal, antipyretic and other properties. A special linden powder was prepared, which could heal burns and stop bleeding. By the way, girls in Rus’ used linden for cosmetic purposes: linden infusion makes the skin soft and smooth, and the juice strengthens the hair. They said that whoever cuts down a linden tree will definitely get lost in the forest. It was a very bad omen if a linden tree growing in the garden at home dried up — this foreshadowed illness or even death.

People interpreted Ulyan’s Day, July 4, very romantically. They said that in ancient times there lived two lovers named Ulyan and Ulyana. One day Ulyan walked through the fields and meadows, calling Ulyana, and she sat on the bank, gazing at the waters of a turbulent river. Ulyana came to her senses only in the evening, ran to the meadow, but Ulyan at that time went to the river by another road. So Ulyan and Ulyana missed each other, and now they still cannot meet.

The Church now honors the memory of Saint Julian of Tarsus, who suffered for his faith during the persecutions organized by Emperor Maximilian in Antioch. He lived in the 3rd-4th centuries and came from a noble family in Cilicia (modern Turkey). His mother secretly instilled Christianity in him, and after his father’s death, the family moved to Tarsus. When Emperor Diocletian issued a decree on the persecution of Christians, Julian was 18 years old. Having learned of his faith, the guards seized the young man and locked him in prison for almost a year. They tried to persuade him to worship idols, but they firmly refused, for which Julian was eventually drowned in the sea. Later, Julian’s relics were discovered. It turned out that they had miraculous powers — miracles began to occur over them.

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As for signs, there are not many of them for July 4:

  • A long thundering sound means long-term bad weather.
  • If after rain the sun shines brightly and burns, it will rain again before evening.
  • When the wind howls in all directions, it means rain is coming.
  • Clouds are gathering — precipitation is coming.
  • White and red circles around the stars mean clear weather.
  • The wind changes direction clockwise — towards clear days.
  • A rainbow stretches from east to west — to good weather.

The following people celebrate their name day today: Maxim, Fyodor, Nikolai, Ivan, Julian, Georgy, Pavel, Anastasia, Vasilisa, Alexey.

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