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July 5 – Eusebius Day. To the bathhouse!

July 5 – Eusebius Day. To the bathhouse!

CrimeaPRESS reports:

People believed that July 5 was a special day. They said that on Eusebius there was every chance to rid the body of ailments and heal the soul. It was customary to go to the baths. And before the trip, they went to the forest, where they collected medicinal herbs and prepared brooms. Each had its own special secret. So, birch was used to treat joints and skin diseases, spruce — removed damage and helped with blood diseases, oak — treated eczema, got rid of acne and abscesses and had a general strengthening effect, and aspen — cured alcoholism and other bad vices. And a broom made from the branches of seven birches had a protective function. If newlyweds steamed themselves with it on this day, then throughout their married life they will not know poverty and grief.

The Church today honors the memory of Bishop Eusebius of Samosata, who lived in the 4th century and became famous as a defender of the adherents of the Orthodox faith, established in Nicaea at the First Ecumenical Council. Once, the ruler Constantius learned that Eusebius had an act signed at the council and he demanded that the document be handed over. But Eusebius replied that it was easier for him to stretch out his hands to be cut off than to hand it over. He did not betray his faith even when Julian, known as a persecutor of the Christian faith, came to the throne. Eusebius died at the hands of a woman, a resident of the city of Dolichina. She threw a tile from the roof, which pierced the saint’s head. Dying, the bishop asked those around him not to harm the criminal.

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As for weather signs and more:

  • If it rains during the day, it means a good harvest.
  • A hot day on Eusebius, July 5, means frosts will hit in December.
  • The moon twinkles brightly in the evening sky — for a good harvest.
  • Chickens bathing in dust means rain is coming.
  • Moisture accumulates on the stones – it’s going to rain.
  • A lot of dew in the evening means it will be hot in the morning.
  • Lots of mosquitoes mean warm weather.
  • Things started on this day before evening will not be successful. If you start something in the evening, everything will end well.
  • July 5 is a lucky date for single people who want to meet their destiny. Pay attention to those who are similar to you in some way — like attracts like.
  • Anyone born on this day is destined to go through a thousand trials.
  • On the road on July 5th you should be extremely careful – the probability of accidents is very high.

Name days are celebrated today by: Galaktion, Fyodor, Gennady, Vasily, Grigory, Gavriil.

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