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June 14 – Ustin and Khariton Day and… Lingonberry lips

June 14 – Ustin and Khariton Day and… Lingonberry lips

CrimeaPRESS reports:

People believed that on June 14th one should under no circumstances work in the garden. Cause? They said that if you break the belief, a fire will soon occur.

Our ancestors also called June 14 Ustin-Lingonberry Lips. It was customary to carefully watch the sunrise. If the sky is clear, then the rye will be ripe and thick.

The Church today honors the memory of Saint Justin the Philosopher, also known as Justin of Rome, Justin the Great and early Christian martyr. It was he who laid the foundation for the theological interpretation of religious history. He died in Rome while preaching the Holy Scriptures. Justin was a zealous defender of Christians and the Christian faith. It was he who wrote the “Apology” of Christianity. He preached the Gospel among the pagans and managed to lead many to God. During organized persecution he was caught, tortured and killed.

As for weather signs, then:

  • Is the wind blowing from the west? To worsening weather in the near future.
  • The spider turns its head towards its hole and weaves a dense web — towards the rain.
  • A sharp and humid wind is blowing — a sign of prolonged bad weather.
  • Gadflies rise high and “play” — towards a sunny, warm day.
  • The chipmunks became agitated on a sunny day and began whistling sharply and loudly — as the weather worsened.
Name days are celebrated today by: Vasily, David, Gabriel, Pavel, Ivan, Kharita, Vera.

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