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KFU graduate student Tatyana Akulova joined the Council of Students under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

KFU graduate student Tatyana Akulova joined the Council of Students under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The results of the selection for the Council of Students under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation have been summed up. This is an advisory and advisory body that helps establish a dialogue between the ministry and students of Russian universities.

Based on the selection results, the advisory body included 110 active students from universities and scientific organizations in Russia. The only representative from the Republic of Crimea was a graduate student of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Tauride Academy, a leading specialist at the Center for Youth Projects and Resource Support at KFU. V. I. Vernadsky Tatyana Akulova.

This is not a personal story of success, but part of a larger project of the University Student Council. We want every student’s voice to be heard at the federal level, and every student to know that the Council is more than the people on it. — notes Tatyana Akulova.

The Council of Students under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia is one of the largest advisory bodies of student youth. It was formed to take into account the opinions of students on the implementation of state policy in the field of social support and social protection, youth policy and educational activities.

source: KFU press service

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