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KFU students win three million rubles to implement their projects

KFU students win three million rubles to implement their projects

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Three students from the Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky became winners of the Student Startup competition. They received one million rubles each to implement projects in the field of medicine and digital technologies.

Thus, Semyon Aleksandrov, a student in the General Medicine program at the Kazan Federal University Medical Institute, is developing a mobile device for transcutaneous stimulation of the vagus nerve, which may be a promising method for treating autism spectrum disorder not only with comorbid epilepsy and depression, but also with the main symptoms of ASD.

At this stage, we only have a prototype of the device, but in the near future, using the funds received from the grant, we plan to create a working device. Winning the competition is an excellent opportunity to develop our project and take it to the next level. In the future, we plan to enter the market with our device. Although the mechanism of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation is not yet fully understood, studies demonstrate the potential role of this effect in regulating mood associated with social communication. In addition, there is increasing evidence that TCVN can activate brain areas associated with autism spectrum disorders, trigger neuroimmune modulation, and have a therapeutic effect in comorbid disorders.– shared Semyon Alexandrov.

And a student of the KFU Physics and Technology Institute, Alexander Kotenev, studying in the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science program, is already developing a project for an online platform for developing mobile applications, Sprint Construct.

The Student Startup competition was an excellent opportunity for our team of developers to present their idea and get support for its implementation. We chose the direction of no-code application development, as it allows anyone, even without programming knowledge, to bring their idea to life. Also, with the help of our service, developers will be able to significantly reduce the time it takes to create a working prototype or layout of the application. We strive to create a tool for developing cross-platform applications. In the future, we plan to actively develop the project, introducing new functions and improving the interface. Our goal is to make the service a useful tool for everyone who wants to create applications without programming skills– notes Alexander Kotenev.

As the student notes, the main difficulty in the development process was creating an intuitive platform accessible to users with different levels of training.

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In addition, Oganes Mkrtchyan, a Software Engineering student, and his team are developing a hotel services management system, MyRoom, to solve current problems in the hotel business and the provision of accommodation services.

We had an idea for the MyRoom project — a system that will help automate all hotel services. The user will be able to order food to the room, call a maid or rent a hotel car directly from their smartphone. My team and I conducted a number of castdevs, found out the needs of the hotel business and proceeded to the application. The main difficulty was only in analyzing the market, since our system is the first of its kind. Of course, there are similar systems on the foreign market, but they are developed only by large hotel chains and used only between their hotels. At the moment, we have received the results and are actively preparing all the documents for signing an agreement with the fund. Our further plans include creating an mvp version by November 2024. From the beginning of next year, we will test the system at several hotels. I would like to express my gratitude to my team for the path they have taken and their willingness to move forward. I would also like to express my gratitude to the teaching staff of the Department of Computer Engineering and Modeling for their willingness to support and help students in their endeavors.– said Oganes Mkrtchyan.

The Student Startup competition is held by the Innovation Assistance Fund as part of the federal project University Technological Entrepreneurship Platform. The program is aimed at students implementing startup projects and creating new technologies or services using the results of scientific, technical and technological research.

source: KFU press service

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