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Kharkiv resident to stand trial in absentia on charges of causing death of classmate in Partenit

Kharkiv resident to stand trial in absentia on charges of causing death of classmate in Partenit

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol has completed the investigation of a criminal case against a 29-year-old native of Kharkov, accused of intentionally causing serious bodily harm, which resulted in the death of the victim through negligence (Part 4 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The Investigative Department of the city of Alushta established that on the night of September 25, 2013, in one of the dormitories of Partenit, a conflict occurred between two college students who had arrived together for an internship from Kharkov. In the shower room, one of them struck the other on the head multiple times, as a result of which the victim was hospitalized in serious condition in the Alushta city hospital. Subsequently, the young man was transferred to one of the Kharkov medical institutions, where he died six months later from complications from the injuries he received. As part of the investigation of criminal cases from previous years, the Investigative Committee employees, together with their colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, once again studied and reconstructed in detail the circumstances of this crime, carried out a significant amount of operational-search and investigative actions, — The details of the case were announced by the press service of the Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

It was established that immediately after committing the crime, the suspect went into hiding; he is currently on the international wanted list and has been charged in absentia under the above-mentioned article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The investigation of the criminal case has been completed. The materials have been sent to the prosecutor’s office for the purpose of studying, approving the indictment and sending the case to court.

source: press service of the Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol

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