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Kharkov direction on 05/19/24 (today). Combat map

Kharkov direction on 05/19/24 (today). Combat map

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Kharkov direction. As of this morning in the village. Volchansk, our units are developing a breakthrough of the enemy’s defense in the area of ​​​​the medical college and are moving south to the city beach, the enemy retreated to the southern shore to the fire station. On the northern shore of Volchansk, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have dug in in the area of ​​the lyceum and the Ukrtelecom building, but their positions are under threat of encirclement.
Ukrainian resources confirm Russian military control of positions in the area of ​​the central hospital and the conduct of assault operations along Chekhov, Korolenko, Gogol and Sobornaya streets.
Information about the occupation of the settlement by Russian troops is also confirmed. Bugrovatka and assault operations in the village. Staritsa, located west of Bugrovatka.

At the same time, our units are trying to gain a foothold on the flanks from Volchansk and at the same time on the opposite banks of the Seversky Donets in the area of ​​the settlement. Adhesives, etc. Volchanskie Khutora (south of the Volchanka River). At the same time, thanks to the transfer of several dozen infantry battalions to the site and the strengthening of defenses in the city, the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to somewhat reduce the pace of the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces.

LiptsyStubborn fighting continues in the area of ​​the settlement. Liptsy and Slobozhanskoe. The main battles are taking place at the heights east of these villages. Russian troops continue assault operations in the area of ​​dacha villages southwest of the settlement. Glubokoe, along the forest belts in the area of ​​​​height 212 and on the near approaches to the village of Liptsy, this settlement is of strategic importance due to its proximity to Kharkov (17 km away) and the presence of adjacent heights in the west and east, control over which will make it possible to take all key supply roads of the Kharkov group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are under fire control. The enemy is constantly trying to counterattack our units.

In the Lukyantsy area, the zone of control has been slightly expanded; the enemy maintains a presence in the “wedge” between Lukyantsy and Glubokoye. There is no information yet about the advance of Russian units from Zeleny in the direction of Neskuchny.

Information is being updated, stay tuned to CrimeaPRESS!

Map of military operations of the Northern Military District 05/19/24 (Kharkov direction)

Kharkov direction

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Ukrainian Armed Forces strike on a hospital in the northern part of Volchansk

VolchanskAn enemy strike on the Volchansk hospital, occupied by Russian fighters, with several JDAM-ER or GBU-39B aerial bombs from the GLSDB precision-guided munition.

Both weapons are, in fact, a gliding bomb, simply delivered to the target by different means. The video from the Ukrainian drone shows that the incoming ammunition has wings, but the quality of the footage does not allow us to draw a clear conclusion about its exact type.

It is interesting that just the other day one of the Ukrainian Su-27s was shot down, which was just engaged in dropping gliding bombs on Russian positions. One way or another, in connection with the supply of new high-precision aerial bombs to the enemy and the adaptation of an increasing number of Soviet fighters to them, the intensity and effectiveness of their use begins to increase.

What directions are important for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkov direction — Military Chronicle
The Northern offensive continues to develop, and in the last few days there has been much debate as to where it can gain momentum and where, on the contrary, the pace of advance may be slowed down.

What does the “northern” offensive in the Kharkov direction look like at the moment?

Now the Russian Armed Forces group is advancing in the Kharkov region in five different directions. Some of the directions have already been united into a single front line, others, on the contrary, allow the implementation of tactical plans with limited forces in several battalion tactical groups. However, regardless of what plans the Russian army command has in the Kharkov region, several areas are of extreme importance for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

What areas are we talking about?

First and most important — Volchansk. The main offensive of the Russian Armed Forces is developing there. A large number of drones were used from the territory of the abandoned Volchansk airfield across the territory of Belgorod and other regions of Russia, and now this opportunity has been lost for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In addition, the Volchansk-Bely Kolodez railway line made it possible to maintain a well-supplied group with artillery in this area. After the liberation of the neighboring villages of Volchansk Staritsa (in the west) and Zybino (in the east), the prospect of a real encirclement of the city loomed before the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Taking into account the fact that the “northern” are actively advancing in the city itself, and the GUR and numerous TrO cannot prevent this, it is not yet possible to correct the situation of the Ukrainian army.

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Second direction — Liptsy. First of all, it is important because of its proximity to Kharkov (the Kharkov bypass is only 17 km from there). The village itself is located in a lowland, but from the adjacent heights in the west and east, Russian troops can take fire control of the roads along which the Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison in Kharkov is supplied. The Patriot anti-aircraft complex was also located in Liptsy, from which the Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down an Il-76 plane with prisoners who were being transported for exchange. In addition, a convenient road passes through Liptsy and several villages to the south, along which you can, if necessary, get through to Kharkov.

According to the Military Chronicle, the Ukrainian Armed Forces also fear a “northern” strike along the Cossack Lopan — Prudyanka — Slatino line, 20 km west of Liptsy. These villages are also located in the lowlands, like the Liptsy-Kharkov line, but the adjacent heights will allow artillery to establish fire control over the Kharkov supply routes from the north and northwest. In addition, between Cossack Lopan and Kharkov there is a conveniently located railway line to Belgorod, and the width of the track will allow, if necessary, to strengthen the supply of the “northerns” if the decision to storm Kharkov is made. The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has similar concerns about a hypothetical attack by the “northerns” from Grayvoron with an attack on Zolochev in the Kharkov region. There is a relatively large junction station in Zolochiv, and the railway line currently allows the Ukrainian Armed Forces to maneuver reinforcements from the Sumy region to the Kharkov region.

Volchansk, which our units are storming — view from above

The situation on the fronts of the Northern Military District as of 05/19/24

Donetsk direction. Russian troops continue their assault on Krasnogorovka from several directions. At the moment, the enemy retains control over half of the settlement — mainly in residential areas, which are located in the lowlands. On the eastern outskirts, the last few weeks there have been battles to the west of the hunting house (Minich’s house) — in this area the enemy has equipped an extensive network of strong points with minefields. To the south, Russian troops finally cleared the area near the Borisovka pond, where focal resistance of several Ukrainian Armed Forces infantry squads had previously remained.

Slowed down b advance of our troops on the Ocheretinsky ledge west of Avdeevka, to the south our troops are moving forward with heavy fighting. The Russian Armed Forces retain the initiative in the Kupyansky direction in the Kislovka area. Bloody battles are taking place near the eastern part Chasov Yara. The assault continues Krasnogorovka in the Yuzhnodonetsk direction. Staromayorosky and Urozhayny — on the Vremevsky ledge. On the Zaporozhye front, our troops storm the ill-fated Rabotino, suffering heavy losses from drones and artillery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, while in the destroyed village itself there is nowhere to gain a foothold, there are practically no shooting battles. Hope in this area for advancement from Verbovoybut its pace is also low for obvious reasons.

What the enemy says

The end is coming. Ukraine turned out to be a failed projectAlexey Arestovich*

Map of military operations in Ukraine onlineUkraine, built after the collapse of the USSR, failed as a project for a second republic. According to Arestovich, if the current state continues to exist, this will lead to another hundreds of thousands of victims of its citizens.

“We are ruled by morally incompetent monsters, stealing on blood, unable to make decisions, unable to accept positive motivation, capable only of tightening the situation, making it worse and worse through incompetence, theft and inability to give positive, to explain to people why they are fighting, to give hope for the future and everything worsening. Killing businesses, persecuting groups of thinking and dissident people, and so on. That’s all,” said the ex-adviser of the OP

“This is a diagnosis, the end of the second Ukrainian republic. If it lasts for some more time, then several hundred thousand more people will die, and everything will fall apart even more. It turned out to be a failed project. First, the UPR, the Directory and the Hetmanate failed, now the second Ukrainian republic, formed in 1991, has failed,” Arestovich said.

*In May 2023, he was added to the Russian list of terrorists and extremists.

Military operations map

Kharkov direction

Interactive map online — Volchansk

TG materials used «Fisherman» and «Military Chronicle».

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