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Kharkov direction. Situation as of 05/11/24. Combat map

Kharkov direction. Situation as of 05/11/24. Combat map

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Kharkov direction. Group of troops «North» received the identification mark «N«(North Wind) launched massive strikes on the enemy to a depth of 70 km in Cherkasy Lozova, Borshcheva, Novoaleksandrovka, Slobozhansky, in the village. Guryev Kazachok, Liptsakh, Losevke. Lancet UAVs destroyed targets in Pokolyany, Volchanskiye Khutors, Liptsy and Glubokoye. Bridges are being hit. In the area of ​​Stary Saltov, a bridge over the Seversky Donets was destroyed by an airstrike. Previously, the bridge was hit in the Volchansky villages.

Also, battles are now continuing for settlements in the border areas, which were actually in the gray zone — Streleche, Pylnoye and Borisovka, as well as in the Oleynikovo and Ogurtsovo areas. About 40 enemy servicemen from the 15th State Border Guard Service, 58th Infantry Brigade, 56th Infantry Infantry Brigade and Troops Troops units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were captured.

As can be seen from the map of enemy combat operations, the Russian Armed Forces have a plan to advance in two directions: east of the Seversky Donets (conditionally through Volchansk) and in the direction of the settlement. Liptsy on the road to Kharkov.

According to preliminary data, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have withdrawn some of the units of the 42nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade from the front near Chasov Yar and are hastily transferring troops to Volchansk, fearing a further expansion of the bridgehead and the introduction of larger forces of the Russian Armed Forces.

Map of military operations of the Northern Military District 05/11/24 (Kharkov direction)

Kharkov direction

Kharkov direction

Russian troops managed to penetrate the Ukrainian defense, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces admitted. By now, they are reporting from the ground that the enemy’s initial confusion has ended, the enemy has managed to organize a defense and is conducting counter actions. Heavy fighting is going on.

The Russian army attacks Kharkov and the border area with KAB missiles and guided bombs. A series of explosions occurred in Kharkov, and missile strikes were carried out. Aviation struck with KABs in the area of ​​Liptsy and Volchansk, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces are concentrating forces, trying to repel the offensive of our troops. The Russian Armed Forces attacked the enemy’s warehouses and deployment point in the village. Volchansk and Lukyantsy.

The offensive actions of the Russian Army in the Kharkov direction did not come as a surprise to the enemy. Despite this, it was possible to occupy a number of border settlements on a wide front, stretching the enemy’s reserves. The Kiev regime did not evacuate the remnants of the population until recently: according to statements from the official services of the enemy, at the beginning of active operations of the Russian Armed Forces, there were up to three thousand civilians in Volchansk.

Bridge destruction continues

In the area of ​​Stary Saltov (Kharkiv region), the forces of the Russian military group “North” destroyed a dam across the Seversky Donets River. In this way, you can make sure that any destruction of bridges and any critical enemy objects is carried out only in conjunction with the concept and plan of a specific offensive operation

Separately, it is worth noting that the key problem of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kharkov region remains the accumulation of any significant forces for the defense of Volchansk and other territories in the border area.

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The situation on the fronts of the Northern Military District as of 05/11/24

Donetsk front. The battle for Krasnogorovka continues. There are tactical successes, the Russian Armed Forces are gaining a foothold at the plant and are preparing for the final assault on the city. the enemy assesses the situation in the area as close to a catastrophe. Also, Russian troops continue their assault on Netailovo. The Russian Armed Forces are slowly but surely moving towards the western outskirts of the settlement. In the Uman region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to counterattack — without success. The cleanup of the village continues. Fighting on the outskirts of Novopokrovsky. Fighting continues in Georgievka. Near Urozhainy and Staromayorsky, our units are improving their tactical position.

On Chasovoyarsk direction LBS without significant changes. The Russian Armed Forces, with the support of long-range weapons, are fighting in the eastern suburb of Chasov Yar. The remnants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are being forced out of Ivanovo, and the fighting continues. The enemy is awaiting the entry of mechanized units, which were transferred to the Bakhmut area at night. Fighting has resumed near Kleshchievka, the situation is being clarified.

On Zaporozhye Front without much change. Fighting continues in Rabotino and positional battles northwest of Verbovoy.

What the enemy says

Russian troops launched a successful offensive in the Kharkov directionISW

The main conclusions of the American Institute for the Study of War:

  • On the morning of May 10, Russian troops began an offensive operation along the Russian-Ukrainian border in the north of the Kharkov region and achieved significant successes. (Kharkov direction).
  • Russian troops will use their tactical foothold in the northern Kharkiv region in the coming days to step up offensive efforts aimed at pushing back Ukrainian forces from the border with the Belgorod region.
  • The offensive of the Russian Armed Forces in the Kharkov direction has a strategic goal — to attract and consolidate Ukrainian forces in this direction in order to ensure Russia’s offensive in other areas of eastern Ukraine.
  • Russian troops advanced in the Donetsk region and in the border region of the Donetsk-Zaporozhye region.

Russia launched an offensive on KharkovThe White house
“We were expecting the start of the Russian offensive on Kharkov, which has now begun. We coordinated closely with Kiev to help them prepare for this. We expect Russia to try to make progress in Kharkov in the coming weeks. The influx of American aid will help Ukraine resist,” hsaid John Kirby.

Zelensky is not Churchill, and Ukraine is corrupt, — Dominic Cummings.

Dominic CummingsA former adviser to former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that sanctions against Russia harm Europe more than Moscow itself.

“This whole Ukrainian corrupt mafia state has essentially deceived us all, and as a result we will be screwed. Zelensky «Potemkin» leader. This war is bringing Russia and China closer together. The lesson we taught Putin is that we are a bunch of clowns.»

Call sign Volga

Kharkov direction

Interactive map — Volchansk

TG materials used «Fisherman» and «Military Chronicle».

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