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Khersones employee Stanislav Ryzhov is a laureate of the Likhachev Prize

Khersones employee Stanislav Ryzhov is a laureate of the Likhachev Prize

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Tauride Chersonese Museum-Reserve was awarded the first National Prize in the field of museum affairs named after Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev.

The laureate in the special nomination “Service to the Cause” was our beloved and highly respected colleague — head of the “Gorodishche” sector of the “Gorodishche and Necropolis” department, Stanislav Grigorievich Ryzhov! According to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Borisovna Lyubimova, this nomination is the main one in the D.S. Likhachev Prize: “Hand on heart, it is for this nomination that we established the award. To remember those who have been for a very long time [трудился] in the most difficult conditions inside their museums, often without the opportunity to do what they love, and wondered whether to give up everything… There are thousands of such people, and perhaps this is the most difficult thing — to choose [победителя] in this nomination. One hero — Stanislav Ryzhov — from the Tauride Chersonese Museum-Reserve. Only logistics separate us, but we are very glad that he is still in service, although he has been working in the museum since 1968. Honor and praise to him! — emphasize the press service of the Tauride Chersonese Museum-Reserve.

Stanislav Grigorievich Ryzhov has been working in Tauride Chersonese since the late sixties. He is a true professional, a dedicated scientist who made a great personal contribution to the study of the ancient city, to the publication of archaeological monuments and to the popularization of the history of the region where modern Sevastopol is located.

In 1972, Stanislav Grigorievich headed the architectural and archaeological department of the museum. While in this position, he, together with O.I. Dombrovsky, supervised the restoration of medieval mosaics and the ancient theater. Largely thanks to his enthusiasm and love for ancient history, the Chersonesos ancient settlement became a unique object of excursion display and storytelling, a large-scale historical and archaeological complex accessible to tourists.

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Stanislav Grigorievich Ryzhov has been heading the annual archaeological expeditions of the museum-reserve for almost 50 years. During excavations at the site, the total area of ​​which was about 10 hectares, he discovered several residential areas and ten medieval and ancient temples. The result of these works are 130 scientific research reports, more than 70 publications in various scientific journals. Thanks to the efforts of our laureate, the collection of the museum-reserve has been replenished with outstanding finds, a significant part of which is displayed in displays and exhibitions.

S. G. Ryzhov’s dedication to Chersonesos and the museum business is noted at the highest level: he is the owner of the Order of “Badge of Honor” (1986), the title “Honored Worker of Ukraine” (2009), and the insignia “For Services to Sevastopol” (2018).

We sincerely congratulate Stanislav Grigorievich Ryzhov on this high award — receiving the first National Prize in the field of museum affairs named after Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev! We invite you to learn more about the scientist on the pages of our social networks. In the online project “Memoirs of an Archaeologist,” Stanislav Grigorievich Ryzhov talks about his finds and shares interesting facts. You can learn about the history of Chersonesos first-hand at the link:, — they say at the museum-reserve.

source: Public Relations Department of the State Museum-Reserve «Chersonese Tauride»

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