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Kislovodsk: seminar for business managers, executive directors and accountants of notary chambers

Kislovodsk: seminar for business managers, executive directors and accountants of notary chambers

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In the city of Kislovodsk, from August 28 to 30, an annual seminar was held for business managers, executive directors and accountants of notary chambers of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The training event was attended by representatives of the Notary Chamber of the city of Sevastopol: the business manager Marina Kot and the chief accountant Nellya Shust.

The work plan of the three-day seminars included topics devoted to a variety of issues relevant to the organization of the activities of the notary chamber of a subject of the Russian Federation. In particular, the organization of the work of the notary archive, the general provisions on the formation and acquisition of notary archives, the organization of interaction between system administrators of notary chambers and the FCIIT technical support service, the organization by notary chambers of control in the field of combating the legalization of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction against notaries. In addition to narrowly professional topics, the topic of emotions in managerial activity was studied.

source: Notary Chamber of Sevastopol

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