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Krymstat handed over the UAZ Patriot to the Crimean special forces in the NVO zone

Krymstat handed over the UAZ Patriot to the Crimean special forces in the NVO zone

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The first vehicle from federal departments in Crimea went to the front line along with Crimean soldiers to carry out tasks. The Crimean State Statistics Service decided to give the practically new Patriot to the Crimean special forces as part of the project “Popular Front. Everything for victory! This very necessary gift for the guys became possible thanks to the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation to transfer vehicles from federal branches and supply units to the Popular Front for fighters on the front line. In total, 10 institutions in Crimea decided to transfer a total of 31 cars.

Today, we finally started the process of directly transferring the car to the front. This is not a simple process of completing all the documents that we go through with all the equipment, and the main thing is that in the very near future it will help our guys on the front line. The remaining vehicles are also undergoing transfer procedures, after which we will deliver them to the Crimean units in the Northern Military District zone,” the press service quotes the head of the regional executive committee of the Popular Front in Crimea, Alla Vertinskaya.

Krymstat handed over the UAZ Patriot to the Crimean special forces in the NVO zone Krymstat handed over the UAZ Patriot to the Crimean special forces in the NVO zone

The head of Crimean Statistics, Olga Baldina, solemnly handed over the keys to the fighters, conveying wishes from the entire team. The fighters, in turn, thanked the department for the much-needed help and tested the car in suitable conditions.

We really need a car — it is maneuverable, fast, has high ground clearance, what a combat group needs for off-road driving — they will be able to quickly get to the point, complete the task and return. Well, thank you very much on my own, it drives very smoothly, comfortably, it feels like a new car, every time we travel we will remember yous,” shares a Crimean special forces soldier with the call sign “Server.”

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