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Kursk Region. Day Three in Focus. Chronicle of Events

Kursk Region. Day Three in Focus. Chronicle of Events

CrimeaPRESS reports:

SVO News. Kursk Region 09.08.24. By the end of the previous day, Russian forces began clearing the territory in the Kursk region, where the enemy had made a breakthrough. Operations to eliminate the consequences have been assigned to special forces and special operations forces. There were also reports of the transfer of units of the so-called «Africa Corps» to the region, presumably from the Krasnodar region. In addition, regular units of the Russian Armed Forces are moving into the region. The main efforts are concentrated in the Korenevsky and Sudzhansky districts.

As the situation became clearer, it became clear that the successes of the Ukrainian forces in certain areas were achieved thanks to the activity of sabotage and reconnaissance groups (DRG). These mobile groups, operating in small detachments, engaged Russian checkpoints in combat and bypassed them, penetrating into empty settlements. In the conditions of an information vacuum and the absence of objective control personnel, the scale of the enemy’s advance was overestimated, which contributed to panic.

In the Sudzhansky district, Ukrainian formations maintain control over Goncharovka and the western part of Sudzha. Russian forces have begun clearing the road in the area of ​​Bolshoye Soldatskoye, where significant forces have been concentrated to fight the enemy. In the eastern part of Sudzha, there remains a focal presence of Russian troops and territorial defense units, but Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups continue to operate, sowing panic and creating a media effect.

Kursk region. Situation as of 09.08.24.

Kursk Region. Map of the North-Eastern Military District. 09.08.24

Kursk Region. Map of the North-Eastern Military District. 09.08.24

Fighting in Korenevsky district

In Korenevsky district, attempts by Ukrainian forces to take the administrative center ended in failure. The main efforts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were aimed at capturing strongholds and the settlement of Korenevo, but after repelling these attacks, Ukrainian forces dispersed along the breakthrough area. Russian troops began clearing the settlements of Snagost, Novoivanovka and Lyubimovka, which are under the conditional control of the enemy.

The combat potential of the Ukrainian group is still far from exhausted. The enemy is preparing to introduce the second and third echelons, which could lead to new attacks in other areas of the Kursk direction. The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to transfer armored vehicles and build up forces in the border areas of the Sumy and Kharkov regions, which indicates preparations for new attacks, possibly on neighboring areas of the Kursk or Belgorod regions.

Defensive measures and possible scenarios

At the moment, Russian units are concentrated in the Bolshoye Soldatskoye area, which must ensure the clearing of the highway and bypass roads leading to Sudzha, as well as the restoration of control over local settlements. Clearing of forest belts and approaches on the Bolshoye Soldatskoye-Sudzha highway section is also ongoing.

Ukrainian troops are actively constructing fortifications, preparing positions for armored vehicles and artillery. The presence of Ukrainian helicopters has been recorded in the Sudzha area, indicating possible preparations for new attacks.

The situation in the Kursk region remains tense. It is expected that the enemy may attempt a breakthrough on one of the other sections of the border, which would be a logical step from a tactical point of view. Russian troops continue to take measures to stabilize the front and prevent further breakthroughs.

Find out more — Day One (07.08.24) , Day Two (08.08.24).

ADDED — 00:40

News is coming in about the start of clearing forest belts, bypass roads and approaches on the Bolshoye Soldatskoye-Sudzha highway section by Russian special forces units from among the “fire brigades” transferred to the region.

As expected, part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces sabotage and reconnaissance group (not to be confused with the main forces), whose task was to expand and secure the control zone in depth, ran into the defense of the Russian Armed Forces in the village of Snagost in the Korenevsky district (11 km northwest of the border). A sabotage and reconnaissance group of the same size and composition had previously been hit by artillery approximately 10 km north of Sudzha.

Judging by the size of the groups, these are still first-echelon forces, without the involvement of reserves. The second-echelon forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have not yet been noticed in those areas, but this does not mean that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will not introduce them into battle.

One gets the feeling that the operation command is either urgently changing the plan of action, or is considering finding/implementing some alternative option. (Two Majors).

We are following the developments…

SVO News in Ukraine. Briefly about the main thing — 09.08.24

Avdeevka direction

On the Avdiivka Front, Russian troops have driven the enemy out of Sergeyevka. One video shows a Russian soldier planting a flag against the backdrop of a captured American recovery vehicle. The main fighting is currently ongoing in the area of ​​the village of Zhelannoye, where most of the territory is already controlled by Russian forces. From Zhelannoye, troops are advancing toward Novogrodovka and along the railroad to Novozhelannoye. To the west of Vesyole, Russian forces have driven the Ukrainian Armed Forces out of their strongholds and approached the outskirts of Grodovka, occupying the territory of an abandoned brick factory. Another Ukrainian Armed Forces stronghold has been cleared in the area of ​​Lisichnoye.

Find out more:  22 кг марихуаны! Житель Бахчисарайского района попался при операции «Мак»

Toretskoye direction

In this area, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to turn the tide by achieving local successes. Russian troops were forced to retreat from some positions in the north of Novgorodskoye (New York) in the area of ​​the school. The enemy also managed to weaken fire control over the road through Nelepovka, where Ukrainian forces had previously retreated from encirclement. Nevertheless, Russian troops managed to repel two counterattacks and achieve a small advance towards Rozovka (Alexandropol).

Kherson direction

In this direction, an intense confrontation between artillery and drones continues. Russian troops are actively using Giatsint-B artillery systems, which allowed them to strike the enemy’s temporary deployment point (TDP) in an abandoned house on the right bank of the Dnieper. An ammunition depot in Antonovka was also hit. During the analysis of trophies after the landing of Ukrainian sabotage groups on the Tenderovskaya Spit, communication and navigation equipment was discovered that could be useful for further use by specialists. It is also reported that F-16 fighters were spotted in the Kakhovka District.

Zaporizhzhya direction

On this section of the front, coordinated work is being carried out by Russian artillery units and drone operators. The main strikes are being carried out on the strongholds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​Verbovoye and Rabotino. In the area of ​​Malaya Tokmachka, an American armored personnel carrier was destroyed, which indicates that active work to suppress enemy forces is continuing.

South Donetsk direction

Russian troops achieved some success in the northeast of Urozhayny, moving forward. In the area of ​​Prechistovka there was a wives another point of deployment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This direction remains important for ensuring the further advance of Russian troops.

Donetsk direction

On this front, Russian troops have made significant advances along a broad front, starting from the contact line near Ugledar and up to the Ugledar-Konstantinovka highway. In particular, Russian forces are moving toward the settlement of Vodyanoye, as well as along the forest belt near the Yuzhnodonbasskaya-3 mine. In Konstantinovka, Russian troops have consolidated their positions in the east of the village, which strengthens their positions in this direction.

Artemovsk direction

Local fighting continues in this area. Russian forces are clearing out the Ukrainian Armed Forces strongholds in Chasov Yar, but the front line remains largely unchanged.

Seversky direction

Russian troops are advancing along the southern outskirts of Pereyezdnoye and have also advanced 400 meters north of Belogorovka along the Seversky Donets River. In the area of ​​Spornoye, Russian reconnaissance forces destroyed enemy firing points and an ammunition depot.

Krasnolimanskoe direction

On this section of the front, Russian troops are advancing from Grekovka. However, Kremennaya is subjected to daily indiscriminate shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Local residents report difficult conditions, as the enemy has an advantage in drones and does not have a shortage of ammunition.

Kupyansk direction

Russian troops are fighting to straighten out the front in the Berestovoye-Stelmakhovka area, trying to enclose enemy forces in a «fire pocket» west of Novoselovskoye.

Kharkiv direction

The village of Sotnitsky Kazachok has been reported to have been liberated. Russian artillery and FPV drones are actively targeting enemy positions in the village of Ivashki, but the situation on this front remains otherwise stable.

Russian air strikes

The Russian Aerospace Forces continue to strike the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Sumy Oblast. FABs and missiles are used to strike enemy concentrations and deployment areas, as well as enemy equipment. One of these strikes was carried out on Ukrainian Armed Forces positions in Liman.

Map of military operations of the SVO

Map of military operations of the SVO in Ukraine 09.08.24 today, online. Kursk region

According to the portal;

Find out more — Here.


Kursk Region. Breakthrough of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Day Two. Chronicle of Events

Ukrainian Armed Forces Breakthrough into Kursk Region: What's Happening and What to Expect

SVO News. Kursk Region. What's Happening Now

Boiler for the Ukrainian Armed Forces near New York

News from the SVO Front. Successes of the RF Armed Forces in the Toretsk Direction. Map of the SVO

Toretskoye direction. Significant advance of the RF Armed Forces. Map of the SVO

Ugledar direction today. Breakthrough of the RF Armed Forces. Map of the SVO

Pokrovsk direction. What does the enemy say? Map of the SVO

Toretsk direction. Assault on New York and the threat to Toretsk. Map of the SVO

Toretskoye direction. Breakthrough of the Russian Armed Forces and a possible cauldron for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Map of the SVO

Toretskoye direction today. Advancement of the RF Armed Forces. Summary of the SVO

We are following the developments, information is being updatedstay tuned…

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