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Kursk Region — Eleventh Day. Map of the SVO. Chronicle of Events

Kursk Region — Eleventh Day. Map of the SVO. Chronicle of Events

CrimeaPRESS reports:

SVO News. Kursk direction 17.08.24 (updated). The past 24 hours in the Kursk region were marked by new escalations on the front. Ukrainian formations continue attacks on strategically important objects, trying to penetrate deeper into Russian territory and disrupt the logistics of the Russian army.

The situation was particularly dire in the Glushkovsky district, where Ukrainian forces stepped up attacks on key bridges across the Seim River. As a result of strikes from HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, one of the bridge spans was destroyed, which effectively cut off part of the district from the rest of the territory.

This seriously complicates the evacuation of civilians and the transfer of reinforcements. In addition, several volunteers of the «People’s Front» were killed as a result of the shelling, which caused a wave of indignation and grief.

Kursk direction today

MORNING; 03:33:20

Messages are coming from Belovsky district

On the control of the settlements of Kamyshny and Giri by Russian units. Ukrainian formations were pushed back west of the settlements, however, they may soon repeat their attempts to dislodge the Russian Armed Forces from their positions. Nevertheless, we can already speak of a relative stabilization of the front in this area and an increase in the coordination of the actions of Russian troops.

Martynovka. SVO map

Martynovka. SVO map

Military operations in Korenevsky and Sudzhansky districts

In the Korenevsky district, Russian forces continue to strike Ukrainian equipment and positions on the approaches to the district. Although the Ukrainian Armed Forces hold positions on the southern approaches to Korenevo, the enemy’s attempts to improve their tactical position remain unsuccessful. Clashes were noted on the approaches to Kremyanoye, during one of them, units of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group. Russian Aerospace Forces aviation regularly operates against the positions of Ukrainian formations using FAB-500 with UMPK. The enemy also launched several attacks in the area of ​​Kauchuk and Anastasyevka, but they were repelled by Russian fighters.

The Sudzhansky district has also become the scene of fierce fighting. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to attack on the approaches to Mirny and Kazachya Loknya, but Russian forces are successfully repelling these attacks, maintaining control over important sections of the front.

Sudzha_17.08.24. SVO map

Sudzha_17.08.24. SVO map

The Ukrainian Armed Forces launched an unsuccessful attack towards Russkoye Porechny. The combat situation in the Makhnovka area, where earlier in this area Russian UAV operators disabled two enemy armored personnel carriers, will become clear by midday. There have been no reports of either side gaining control over the settlement at the moment.

Advancement in the Lgov direction

In the Lgov direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue maneuvers aimed at penetrating deep into Russian territory. However, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Russian army is successfully clearing out the enemy’s mobile groups, inflicting significant damage on them. Particularly active combat operations continue in the Anastasyevka and Kauchuk areas, where Russian troops are gradually stabilizing the situation.

Threats in other directions

In addition, the threat of strikes on nuclear power plants in the Kursk and Zaporizhia regions remains. Sources report that Kyiv is preparing to use a so-called «dirty bomb,» which could lead to a serious nuclear provocation. In the face of this threat, Russian forces are stepping up measures to protect key facilities and prevent possible attacks.

In Sumy Oblast, the Russian Armed Forces struck two IRIS-T SAM launchers in Sennoy. As a result of a close approach by an Iskander OTRK missile with a high-explosive warhead, one of the launchers received damage of unknown severity. It is worth noting that this position is not the first time the enemy has used it — about two weeks ago, a Buk-M1 SAM was destroyed near this place.

Kursk Region 17.08.24. Situation in the conflict zone. Map of the SVO

Kursk direction_16.08.2

Kursk direction_17.08.2 4. Map of the North-Eastern Military District

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We are monitoring the development of the situation…

Chronicle of eventsDay One (07.08.24) , Day Two (08.08.24) , Day Three (09.08.24) , Day Four (10.08.24) , Day Five (11.08.24) , Day Six (12.08.24). , Day Seven (13.08.24) , Day Eight (14.08.24), Day Nine (15.08.24). , Day Ten (16.08.24).

ADDED: 09:36:41

What the enemy says:

Breakthrough of a minefield on the Russian-Ukrainian border by a UR-77 installation on the first day of the Kursk operation

This Soviet installation was specially designed to create passages in minefields by detonating a large TNT charge. The need for an installation of this type is very high — the Americans have repeatedly transferred their M58 MICLIC mine clearance systems to Ukraine, which operate on a similar principle. The creation of a corridor allowed the advanced units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to successfully break through the minefield and begin to break through the first line of defense of the Russian Armed Forces.

Kursk direction

Ukraine has followed US advice not to attack Russia’s powerful defenses in Donbas, but an attack on Kursk may not help it, — New York Times
«U.S. officials have advised the Ukrainians to hold off on major offensives this year in the south or east given the strength of Russian defenses,» the NYT writes.

«In advancing toward Kursk, the Ukrainians took advice from the United States: Instead of fighting in fortified positions, go where there is no enemy to secure strategically important territory. But how strategic this onslaught will be, no one knows,» writes the NYT.

At the same time, even if Russian troops are transferred from Donbass to Kursk Oblast, Ukraine is unlikely to have enough manpower to achieve success in the east. “Ukraine itself has used a significant number of troops in Kursk and may not have sufficient reserves,” the article says.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces underwent training in Britain before the Kursk operation — The Times

A month before the start of the operation in the Kursk region, some of the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers were sent to Britain for training. There they underwent an intensive training course, where the main focus was on storming high-rise buildings. Preparations for the offensive were kept in strict secrecy, which came as a surprise not only to Russia, but also to many Ukrainian military officials.

A company commander in the 82nd Brigade said some units had been deployed to the area so quickly that they had not had time to undergo full training. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have equipment shortages, problems with Western rifles and a shortage of medical vans, but some troops were enthusiastic about the upcoming raid across the border with Russia.

Satellite image from Maxar published by CNN

A huge ditch, about 5 km long, dug in just a few days between Lgov and the village of Selektsionny and along the section of the 38K-017 Kursk – Lgov highway – Rylsk.

A huge ditch, about 5 km long, dug in just a few days between Lgov and the village of Selektsionny and along the section of the 38K-017 Kursk – Lgov – Rylsk highway.


Can the Ukrainian Armed Forces strike Crimea after the Kursk region: analysis by «Military Chronicle»
The probability of this event is assessed as serious, however, in the context of hypothetical events, it is important to soberly assess all the factors influencing this decision.

What determines the decision to attack Crimea or not?

First of all, from the desire of foreign countries (since they are the ones who develop the plans and provide the resources for their implementation) to “deliver a symbolic blow.” The destruction of the Crimean Bridge, “cutting off the land corridor” and other tasks are purely image-related, but a large number of resources are nevertheless allocated to them: cruise and ballistic missiles, aviation and much more. The same resources include the transfer of F-16 fighters to Ukraine, and in the future, JASSM cruise missiles made in the USA, with the help of which the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to strike Crimea from the depths of Ukrainian territory. At the same time, this blow may develop through an attack on the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.

Find out more:  Крымский полуостров: погода 22 сентября

Why is there a need for an attack on Crimea and what does the Kursk region have to do with it?

Such an offensive could be the last large-scale attempt to change the conditions that have developed on the battlefield after the failure of the counterattack in the South Donetsk and Zaporizhia directions in 2023, by purely military means. The strike of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region is presumably the first part of this plan. It seems that the military actions in the border area were supposed to divert part of the large operational and strategic reserves of the Russian Armed Forces, which could be used to repel the attack in the Crimean direction. This partly explains the appearance of rumors about the alleged sending of conscripts to the combat zone, as well as the «withdrawal of all units from the front,» although Russian troops are responding to the threat in the Kursk region more than adequately.

How many forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are needed for such a strike?

At least as many as last year. According to the statement of the now former Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in last year’s counteroffensive amounted to 125 thousand people. This figure probably includes all categories of losses: killed, wounded and missing. If we assume that there is an error in the calculations and the real figure is lower, then the necessary reserve for the offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, corresponding to last year’s grouping in at least two operational directions (taking into account the continuation of battles in the main directions after the failure of a purely offensive mission), is 130-200 thousand people. At the same time, it is curious that in order to designate a diversionary strike in the Kursk region, high-quality, motivated, but 90% purely front-line units such as the 80th, 82nd and 95th Air Assault Brigade were used under the guise of the main one. The experience of the 2023 offensive was probably taken into account when preparing the new strike, and all equipment for such an operation will most likely be collected covertly, and probably from several different directions and from several foreign countries.

How much time does the Ukrainian Armed Forces need to prepare for a strike?

Before the 2023 counteroffensive, the average training cycle for mobilized personnel (from “reception” at the TCC to getting to the front) in Ukraine was six to eight months. According to some reports, it has now been cut in half, and in the future it will be cut to two months. At the same time, the November elections in the United States are a kind of deadline for striking, after which support for Ukraine may, if not cease completely, then decrease to critical levels. This significantly limits Kyiv in time and forces it to take action, and events in the Kursk region could become part of such actions within the framework of the general plan.

Military Chronicle (c).

SVO News in Ukraine. Briefly about the main thing — 17.08.24

Situation at the Front. SVO News

Over the past 24 hours, Russian troops continued active offensive operations in a number of key areas. The main progress was made in the Donetsk and Kharkiv regions, where they managed to advance deep into the enemy’s defenses, inflicting significant losses on them. Enemy counterattack attempts in the Kherson direction were met with a tough rebuff. At the same time, the activity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the border areas increased, but Russian forces successfully repelled all attacks. During the operations, important enemy facilities were destroyed, including ammunition depots and command posts.

Assessment of combat operations in specific areas:

  • Kherson direction — The enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups (DRG) have become more active. Russian forces have destroyed several Starlink repeaters and antennas that were used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to control UAVs. Drone operators from the Moses detachment have discovered and eliminated a Ukrainian Armed Forces drone control center deployed in the Green School in Antonovka on the right bank of the Dnieper. During the cleanup of the islands on the Dnieper, our special forces captured 10 Ukrainian marines.
  • Zaporizhzhya and South Donetsk directions — There have been no reports of significant movements in these areas of the front.
  • Donetsk direction — In Krasnogorovka, Russian troops are advancing beyond the Lozovaya River, pushing the Ukrainian Armed Forces back from the northern part of the city. In the western suburbs, fighting continues in the area of ​​the former Lenin State Farm. There are also clashes along the Solyonenkaya gully and in the eastern part of Konstantinovka. Russian forces continue to advance toward Vodyanoye, trying to straighten the front line.
  • Nikolaevka. Pokrovskoe direction. 08/17/24

    Nikolaevka. Pokrovskoe direction. 17.08.24

    Pokrovskoe direction — The Russian Armed Forces have taken control of the eastern part of Grodovka and continue to straighten the front on the flanks of Novotoretsky. There are about 6 km left to Mirnohrad. Russian attack aircraft are advancing on Myrolyubovka and Novogrodovka, but so far they have not been able to break through the trench system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. To the south, our troops are advancing from Zhelannoye to Novozhelannoye, controlling strongholds in this area. The target of attacks in this direction is Selidovo and Kurakhovo, which will allow cutting off major Ukrainian supply lines.

  • Toretskoye direction — Russian troops are advancing in the north of Zheleznoye, clearing the territory of the electrical substation and pro are moving towards Nelepovka. Less than 0.5 km remain to the outskirts of Novgorodskoye (New York). Fighting is underway in Panteleimonovka, and aircraft are striking Ukrainian Armed Forces positions in Valentinovka. In Novgorodskoye itself, Ukrainian forces continue to hold the northern outskirts of the city.
  • Artemovsk direction — Fighting continues along the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal, in the Kleshcheyevka area and south of Grigorovka. The contact line remains unchanged.
  • Kupyansk direction — Russian troops have taken control of the heights north of Peschanoye, which gives them fire control over the settlements of Kolesnikovka, Glushkovka, Kruglyakovka in the lowlands. This opens the way to the Oskol River, control over which will allow them to cut the Ukrainian group in this direction and form a flank for an offensive on Kupyansk.
  • Kharkiv direction — Russian forces have occupied the plantations west of Glubokoe between the village and the reservoir. There is no other news yet.
  • Other directions and strikes — Iskander destroyed two HIMARS launchers in the Miropolye area of ​​Sumy Oblast. In the area of ​​Chervonnaya station near Kryvorizhstal, warehouses and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were hit. At night, Russian forces struck the deployment points of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the Kupyansk Foundry and destroyed the launcher of the S-125 Pechora SAM system in the Kharkiv region. Also, two Ukrainian drones were shot down in the Belgorod region. In the Kursk region, two volunteers were killed and another person was wounded due to shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
  • Crimea — The Russian army successfully repelled a combined attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Crimea. All five naval drones were destroyed by Mi-8 and Ka-29 helicopters, and air defense crews shot down 12 ATACMS missiles in the area of ​​the Crimean Bridge.

Russian attack aircraft made a selfless dash into Nikolaevka, in the Pokrovsk direction. An infantry vehicle, under fire from ATGMs and drones, reached the center of the village and landed troops, who took up a circular defense.

Map of military operations of the SVO

Map of military operations of the SVO in Ukraine 08/17/24 today, online. Kursk region

According to the portal;

Special military operation in Ukraine — Here.


Kursk Region — Tenth day of fighting. Chronicle of events. Map of the SVO

Battles in the Kursk direction - Day Nine. Chronicle of events. Map of the North-Eastern Military District

The eighth day of fighting in the Kursk direction. Chronicle of events. Map of the North-Eastern Military District

Battles in the Kursk direction - Day Seven: Map of the SVO. Chronicle of events

Battles in the Kursk Region — Day Six: Map of the SVO. Chronicle of Events

The fifth day of fighting in the Kursk region: Chronicle of events. Map of the SVO

Kursk region. What is happening on the Fourth day. Chronicle of events

Kursk region. In focus Day Three. Chronicle of events

Kursk region. Breakthrough of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, day two. Chronicle of events

Breakthrough of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk Region: what is happening and what to expect

SVO News. Kursk Region. What's Happening Now

We are following the developments, information is being updatedstay tuned…

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