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Landscaping and landscaping of Gagarin Park continues in Simferopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

25 ornamental flowering trees and shrubs adorned the Gagarin Park in Simferopol.

Landscaping and landscaping of Gagarin Park continues in Simferopol

Among the planted plants: magnolia, standard rose, Lankaran albizia, forsythia, dwarf willow, spectacular corylus shrub, relic whorled sciadopitis. All these plants formed another beautiful flowering area near the pond.— said the specialists of the MBUK «Parks of the Capital».

Landscaping and landscaping of Gagarin Park continues in Simferopol

It is worth noting that this is not the last landing this year. There are plans to supplement the existing landscape composition with ornamental plants.

Landscaping and landscaping of Gagarin Park continues in Simferopol

Planting material was purchased by the Crimean Association of the Entertainment Industry, a socially oriented business that helps make parks brighter, more interesting and more comfortable. The seedlings will be taken care of by employees of the Parks of the Capital.

Landscaping and landscaping of Gagarin Park continues in Simferopol

Also these days in the Gagarinsky Park, the pier is being repaired. Now it will be covered with a durable eco-board made of recycled plastic.

The last time the pier was overhauled 8 years ago. Since then, the pine boards have noticeably frayed. The new coating is not only an excellent example of an environmentally friendly and respectful attitude towards nature, but also a very durable material. Terrace tiles are made from recycled plastic and sand, which, when combined, produce a durable material that looks more like stone in structure, weight and functionality. Such a tile is not afraid of frost, water, heat or fire.— report «Parks of the capital».

Landscaping and landscaping of Gagarin Park continues in Simferopol

Immediately after the dismantling of the old coating, the laying of a new tile will begin.

Landscaping and landscaping of Gagarin Park continues in Simferopol

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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