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Lavender harvesting has begun in Crimea

Lavender harvesting has begun in Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea Alime Zaredinova announced the early start of lavender harvesting in Crimea (usually starts in July). According to her information, today the total area under essential oil crops in the Republic of Crimea is more than 1,100 hectares. Of these, angustifolia lavender occupies about 620 hectares. Lavender grows in the Bakhchisarai, Belogorsk, Leninsky, Simferopol regions and Alushta.

The largest areas of angustifolia lavender are concentrated in the Bakhchisarai region and occupy over 330 hectares. Last year, Crimean farmers collected over 2,373 tons of essential oil crops. Of these, 867 tons of raw materials were collected in the Bakhchisarai region. This year in the republic it is planned to collect raw materials of perennial essential oil crops at the level of last year— told Alima Zaredinova.

The acting minister reported that since 2014, interest has appeared in the essential oil industry, the industry is developing, and planting areas are increasing.

Considering the high importance of the essential oil sector in Crimea, this year the republic’s farmers plan to plant 148 hectares of essential oil crops (angustifolia lavender, essential oil rose), of which 34 hectares have already been plantedadded Alime Zaredinova.

Separately, the acting minister spoke about a set of state support measures. Funding for this area is growing year by year:

In the region, government support is provided for the planting of perennial essential oil crops, including lavender. In 2024, more than 12 million rubles were allocated from the republican budget to support the essential oil industry. Reimbursement of part of the costs in the area of ​​“planting and (or) caring for perennial essential oil plantings” amounts to up to 80% of actual confirmed costs.

In addition, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of Crimea, the Republic has doubled the collection of raw materials of essential oil crops, including lavender, roses and sage.

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Lavender harvesting has begun in Crimea

Photos and materials: Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea.

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