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Lifting platforms for passengers with limited mobility have been installed at several stations in Crimea

Lifting platforms for passengers with limited mobility have been installed at several stations in Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

To improve the quality of passenger service, Southern Suburban Passenger Company LLC purchased 5 modern mobile lifting platforms as part of an investment program with the support of the Ministry of Transport of Crimea. The devices will be used for the safe boarding and disembarking of passengers with limited mobility into RA-2 and ED4M rolling stock cars, which are not equipped with lifting devices.

Lifting platforms are installed in Simferopol, Bakhchisarai, Vladislavovka and Urozhaynaya station. Modern lifting devices with a lifting capacity of up to 300 kg, capable of lifting a person with limited mobility to a height of up to 1.8 m, are powered by a portable battery, which ensures ease of use and mobility— reported the Republican Ministry of Transport.

If it is necessary to provide assistance to a passenger with limited mobility at stations where there are no mobile lifting platforms, their delivery will be provided using a specialized vehicle equipped with a modern lift, upon the passenger’s prior request. In addition, a specialized vehicle will be used to transport people with limited mobility during unplanned breaks in the commuter train schedule.

In the Republic of Crimea, work is systematically underway to improve the quality of service for passengers with limited mobility. The use of modern lifts at stations of the Republic of Crimea will improve the quality of service for this category of passengers and increase their comfort when traveling on commuter trains in Crimeanoted the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Crimea Nikolai Lukashenko.

Test runs of mobile lifting platforms were successfully carried out in January 2024. Next, it is planned to fully introduce new lifts at stations.

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The operation of the platforms will be carried out in accordance with the regulations developed jointly with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Crimean Railway».

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