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Lighting of the yard area — aspects to consider

Lighting of the yard area — aspects to consider

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Lighting of the yard area — an important aspect of improvement, which affects the safety, comfort and aesthetics of the space. When arranging lighting, the following key points should be taken into account:


  • Safety: Street lighting should provide visibility along major pedestrian and vehicular routes, including paths, parking areas and building entrances.
  • zoning: lighting should take into account different areas of the yard — playgrounds, sports areas, recreation areas, utility areas, etc.

Types of lighting fixtures

  • Street lights: a basic type of lighting that is installed along paths, in parking lots and other key locations.
  • Wall lights: can be used to illuminate building facades and entrances.
  • Park lights: suitable for lighting green areas and playgrounds.
  • illumination of small architectural forms: can be used to illuminate benches, sculptures, flower beds.

Energy saving

  • Energy-saving lamps: the use of LED lamps allows to reduce energy consumption and increase the service life of lighting devices.
  • Motion sensors: automatic switching on of lights when motion occurs helps save energy.
  • Timers and photo sensors: Timers and light sensors automatically turn on the light at night.

Aesthetics and design

  • architectural lighting: illumination of building facades and small architectural forms can significantly improve the visual perception of the courtyard area.
  • color temperature of light: warm light creates a cozy atmosphere, cold light helps to increase concentration and a feeling of cleanliness.

Accounting for standards

  • illumination: it is necessary to take into account the standards for the level of illumination of different areas (for example, for playgrounds and pedestrian paths).
  • Light direction: It is important to avoid glare that may disturb residents and drivers.

Stability and durability

  • materials: lighting fixtures must be resistant to environmental influences (moisture, temperature, mechanical impacts).
  • Anti-vandal solutions: it is important to use durable structures, especially in public places and playgrounds.


  • Minimizing light pollution: Using luminaires with the right optics and directed light helps reduce light pollution.
  • Taking into account green spaces: lamps should not harm plants and animals living on the territory.


  • accessibility for maintenance: the location of lighting fixtures should allow for easy maintenance and replacement of lamps.

These aspects will help to create effective and comfortable lighting in the courtyard area, which will meet both functional and aesthetic requirements.

Is lighting the local area a job for specialists?

In order for the lighting of the yard area to be truly harmonious, functional and meet all requirements, the development of a detailed plan is a necessary step. And here it is really worth contacting specialists. Here are several reasons why this is important:

Professional approach

  • comprehensive design: specialists take into account all aspects, including architectural features of buildings, landscape solutions, and layout of the yard area. This allows for the creation of harmonious lighting that meets safety and aesthetic requirements.
  • technical calculations: professionals perform the necessary lighting calculations, select the optimal types of lamps and determine their power to ensure sufficient lighting without excessive energy consumption.
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Individual solution

  • taking into account the specifics of the object: each yard area is unique, so it is important to take into account its features, such as size, shape, location of buildings and paths. Specialists develop individual solutions that best meet the needs of a specific area.
  • aesthetic design: lighting designers will help create not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing lighting that will highlight the features of the yard and create a pleasant atmosphere.

Compliance with regulations and standards

  • knowledge of regulations: professionals are familiar with current lighting regulations and standards for different types of areas and can ensure that the designed lighting complies with these requirements.
  • Proper placement of lighting fixtures: This includes placing lighting fixtures in a way that avoids glare and light pollution, which is important for the comfort of occupants and the environment.

Saving time and resources

  • Cost optimization: specialists can offer solutions that will save the budget due to the correct selection of equipment and its placement, and will also reduce operating costs in the future.
  • Reduced time: Designing and implementing a lighting project will take less time if professionals do it, as they already have the necessary experience and tools.

Modern technologies

  • integration with automation systems: specialists can offer solutions for lighting automation (for example, control via smartphone, use of light and motion sensors), which can significantly improve the comfort of using the territory.
  • Innovative solutions: the project can use modern LED technologies, architectural lighting and other innovative solutions that are difficult to integrate without professional assistance.

Quality assurance

  • documented design: specialists provide design documentation that can be used for approval by regulatory authorities and as a guide during installation and operation of the lighting system.
  • responsibility for the result: professionals are responsible for the quality of the work performed and can offer warranty service.

As a result, turning to specialists in the development of courtyard lighting allows you not only to avoid mistakes, but also to obtain a high-quality and durable solution that will please residents for many years.

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