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Long New Year holidays are approved by 6 out of 10 Crimeans

Long New Year holidays are approved by 6 out of 10 Crimeans

CrimeaPRESS reports:

At the beginning of 2024, the New Year holidays will last 10 days, from December 30 to January 8, and most citizens have a positive attitude towards such a long holiday. In a survey of a service for finding high-paying jobs SuperJob Economically active citizens from Crimea took part.

64% of Crimeans approve of a long vacation for the New Year holidays: “An opportunity for the whole family to be together”; “There is an opportunity to take a break from work, since there are not enough days off and vacation,” the respondents commented. 15% of city residents consider the 10-day New Year holidays to be too long and propose partially moving them to spring: “I would like the weekends from January to be moved to May, so that the holidays would be in May”; “It would be advisable to move half of the days off to the May holidays.” 18% are indifferent to the length of the New Year holidays: “I continue to work on a shift schedule”,” noted the service’s press service.

Those surveyed under 34 years of age (70%) are more likely to enjoy the long New Year holidays. Women like the non-working ten-day period of January more than men (69 and 59%, respectively).

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