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Map of the northeastern district today — 06/21/24 — Avdeevsky direction now

Map of the northeastern district today — 06/21/24 — Avdeevsky direction now

CrimeaPRESS reports:

SVO map. Avdeevskoe (Pokrovskoe) direction — latest news today. Russian troops have advanced west of Netaylovo, and in Krasnogorovka they continue to storm the positions of Ukrainian formations in the northeast.

Karlivka - NWO Map

Karlovka — Map of North Eastern Military District

On the northern flank, fighting is taking place in the gardening community on the approaches to Karlovka (the main stronghold of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this direction). On the opposite bank of the dried-up reservoir, the Russian Armed Forces advanced to the former elite cottage community, the so-called Zaozerny microdistrict. Consolidation in this area will allow us to take fire control over the northern and central parts of Karlovka to support the advance of our assault groups. The average depth of advance since the beginning of the week has been about 1.5 km.

In case Russian troops manage to get hold of the outskirts Yasnobrodovkawhich is, however, quite expected and there have been significant successes in this sector, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will have no other option for retreat except to break through under fire from Umansky to the north-west to Skuchnoye with heavy losses.

Further south, fighting continues in the central part Krasnogorovka. From the east, Russian troops are opening the enemy’s defenses along Nakhimov Street and the banks of the Lozovaya River, forming a “half-cauldron” for Ukrainian Armed Forces units defending in the private sector and on the territory of the park named after. Shevchenko.

Map of SVO - Sokol - Voskhod

Map of SVO — Sokol — Voskhod

In Sokol There are stubborn battles, most of the village is in the gray zone. According to available information, the clashes are very “hot” and Ukrainian forces are suffering heavy losses in personnel and equipment. The capture by our units of an important fortified area of ​​the Ukrainian Armed Forces north-west of Sokol greatly complicated the position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which, however, does not prevent them from periodically counterattacking. However, the advance of the Russian Armed Forces amounted to up to 900 meters to the northern part of Sokol.

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In Maksimilyanovka The Russian Armed Forces have entered the eastern outskirts, and battles are also taking place in forest plantations southeast of the settlement. At the same time, the enemy still holds the northwestern outskirts of Georgievka, which merges with it.

At the same time, Russian troops are advancing north of Novoaleksandrovka in the direction of the Pokrovsk-Konstantinovka road, which is important for the Ukrainian Armed Forces (from the point of view of supplying the Chasov Yar garrison). Each new stage of advancement makes it possible to expand the fire control zone in the area of ​​the so-called Malinovsky bend. Near New York Russian troops do not reduce their activity and are trying to push through the Ukrainian defense; there is slight progress.

Information is being updated, stay tuned to CrimeaPRESS!

Military operations map

Special military operation in Ukraine – News

Map of the northeastern district today - 06.20.24 - Avdeevskoe direction

Northern Military District map today - 06/19/24 - Kharkov direction

Map of the Northern District today - Chasov Yar - 06/18/24

Chasov Yar. Situation as of 06/18/24. SVO map

Map of the northeastern district today - Avdeevskoe direction - 06/17/24

Avdeevskoe direction 06/17/24 - today. SVO map

Map of the northeastern district - Avdeevskoe direction - 06/11/24

Avdeevskoe direction 06/11/24 - the last ones. SVO map

In Ukraine, they are looking for those to blame for the disaster in the Avdeevsky direction

Avdeevskoe direction - situation as of 06/10/24. SVO map

Chasov Yar today - Situation 06/09/24. SVO map

Kharkov direction. The situation today is 06/08/24. SVO map

Kharkov direction today - 06/07/24. SVO map

Avdeevskoe direction today - 06/05/24. SVO map

Avdeevskoe direction. Situation as of 06/04/24. SVO map

Kharkov direction - 05/27/24 (today). Military operations map

Avdeevskoe direction. Situation as of 05/26/24. Military operations map

Kharkov direction - 05/25/24 (today). SVO map

SVO map. Chasov Yar - situation on 05/24/24 (today)

SVO map. Kharkov direction - 05/23/24 (today)

Kharkov direction - 05.22.24 (today). Map of military operations in Ukraine

Kharkov direction today - 05/21/24. Map of military operations in Ukraine

Volchansk - Liptsy today 05/20/24. Map of military operations in Ukraine

Kharkov direction on 05/19/24 (today). Combat map

Kharkov direction. Situation as of 05/18/24. Combat map

Full summary of military operations of the North Military District on 06/20/24 HERE.

Map of military operations of the Northern Military District 06/21/24 today, online — Avdeevskoe (Pokrovskoe) direction. Karlovka — Sokol — Novoselovka first

According to the portal

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