March 10 is Taras's Day Besonnoye. Fear, get a kumah!
Krympress reports:
On March 10, the Church venerates the memory of the clergyman Tarasia, who lived at the end of the VIII — early IX centuries. He is also known as Patriarch of Constantinople. Believers praise him for good deeds and mercy: he defended the weak and destitute. Thanks to his activities, numerous shelters and hospitals were built.
In Rus’, the clergyman was called Taras as a sleepless or Taras-Kumashnik. They attributed one magical skill to him: they asked him for help when they tried to recover from Kumakhi (Kumokhi). This «sore» has two definitions:
- The first is a spring drem. Sleep is falling down the weak, all the time I want to sleep. And on Tarasia’s Day it is forbidden to sleep during the day, otherwise this same kumakh will attack you.
- The second is a fever. The people have seen this disease with a kind of bore. They represented a disgusting old woman, giving her a name — Kumakh. They said that she comes into the house, penetrates into his inhabitants, in order to «torture people — to torment the sinful body, to twist the bones.» Protect from infection and asked Tarasia.
As for the weather, then:
- If March 10, the month of the horns is steep, they waited for Morozov in the near future.
- If snow falls on Tarasia, before Easter, the week will be rainy and cold.
- You can hear the croaking of the raven — the summer will be inconspicuous, with a lot of rains.
- Rooks drive nests on the trees — you can count on the establishment of stably warm weather.
- If March 10, plant cabbage and tomatoes, then this promises a good harvest.
Name things today note: Anton, Eugene, Taras, Fedor.
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