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March 10 is the day of Taras Bessonny. Be afraid of Kumahu!

March 10 is the day of Taras Bessonny. Be afraid of Kumahu!

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On March 10, the church honors the memory of the clergyman Tarasius, who lived at the end of the 8th — beginning of the 9th centuries. He is also known as the Patriarch of Constantinople. Believers praise him for his good deeds and mercy: he protected the weak and disadvantaged. Thanks to his activities, numerous shelters and hospitals were built.

In Rus’, the clergyman was called Taras Bessonny or Taras the Kumashnik. They attributed one magical skill to him: they asked him for help when they tried to recover from kumakha (kumokha). This “sore” has two definitions:

  • the first is spring slumber. Sleep knocks the weak off their feet; you want to sleep all the time. And on the day of Tarasiya it is forbidden to sleep during the day, otherwise this same kumakha will attack you.
  • the second is fever. The people saw this disease as some kind of evil creature. They represented her as a disgusting old woman, giving her the name Kumakha. They said that she comes to the house, penetrates its inhabitants in order to “chill people — torment the sinful body, twist white bones.” They asked Tarasius to protect him from infection.

As for weather signs, then:

  • If the horns of the month are steep on March 10, frosts were expected in the near future.
  • If snow falls on Tarasiya, the week before Easter will be rainy and cold.
  • You can hear the cawing of crows — the summer will be stormy, with a lot of rain.
  • Rooks build nests in trees — you can count on stable warm weather.
  • If cabbage and tomatoes are planted on March 10, this promises a good harvest.
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Name days are celebrated today by: Anton, Evgeniy, Taras, Fedor.

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