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March 12-Prokopa-Perezimnik's Day. Spring, they say, finally came

March 12-Prokopa-Perezimnik's Day. Spring, they say, finally came

Krympress reports:

All! On the day of Prokop-Perezimnik, they considered the people, winter finally gives way to spring! The Prokop also called the «expensive carrier» and «expensive collar» — the sun warmed more and more and began the thaw.

On the church calendar, on this day, the memory of the Monk Procopius of Decolite is revered. He lived in the VIII century. Glory to the purity of the soul and ascetic way of life.

Signs for March 12, for the most part, are not related to the weather:

  • On Verb on this day the kidneys swelled — you can wait for a rich crop. If the verb is blooming from the middle, you do not need to hope for the first shoots.
  • The snowdrops appeared — it is time to start field work.
  • Verba blossoms — a sign to the fact that it is time to carry out sowing.
  • The kidneys swell — wait for warming.

Name days today they note: Makar, Michael, Nison, Peter, Prokop, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Julian, Jacob.

Also remember: Prokopyev day — unpredictable! Anything can happen — both good and bad. Open your house for relatives, friends and acquaintances. If you asked for something-give it, you can’t refuse. AND! Going on the road — listen to your feelings! Easy and free? Go further — the path will be good. If you feel concern, then it is better to postpone the trip. Dangerous.

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