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March 15 — Fedotov day. Do good!

March 15 — Fedotov day. Do good!

Krympress reports:

Fedotov day was also called Agafonov Day, windwinds, federal novchinnik and agafon-gum. It was believed that on March 15, strong winds walk on the ground. At the same time, however, they did not think about winter. They believed that crackling frosts would no longer return. They said: “Avdotya Fedot did not ask — she equipped spring. And Fedot will tear the roof, then the logs will turn — all the men Caring. «

As for the weather, on March 15 she was predicted for the coming days and months:

  • Long icicles — to a long spring.
  • What is the weather today, this will be July.
  • Does a warm and southern wind blow? Summer will be rainy and warm. The cold north wind with snow portends a cold summer.
  • Frost hit — to poor hayfields.
  • Does the sun shine at noon? A good sign — there will be a rich harvest of bread.
  • The blizzard and snowfalls on Fedot — the first grass will appear very late.
  • Snow comes in the morning — wait for a good crop of grain crops.
  • The snow goes at noon or in the late afternoon — the yield of bread will be late.
  • Snow goes all day — heat will not come soon.

Name days today they note: Joseph, Arseny, Nikolai, Fedot.

And even March 15, the world celebrates the Day of Good Deed. This date appeared on the festive calendar in 2007 in Israel. And since then the triumph of good is noted in different countries. How to join the celebration? And very simple! You commit a good deed and you are “in business”.

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