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March 17-Gerasim-Grace. Follow the birds

March 17-Gerasim-Grace. Follow the birds

Krympress reports:

Gerasim-Grachevnik is another day of spring, which was watched by birds. They believed that if the migratory birds began to restore their nests, then spring came irrevocably and warmly was about to be finally established. Especially popularly revered rooks. They even prepared a special treat in their honor — baked from rye sour bird dough.

The church now honors the memory of the monk Gerasim Jordan, who lived in the 6th century. Known from the fact that he went to the Egyptian desert and founded a monastery there. One of the miraculous affairs of the monk was healed by a lion, who, in gratitude, became Gerasim’s faithful friend.

Signs of today’s day:

  • If the rooks arrived, the real spring will come.
  • Rooks arrived earlier than March 17 — the year will be lean.
  • If the rooks sat on the old nests, wait for spring in the near future.
  • Sunny and clear weather — there will be many berries in the forest.
  • What is the weather for Gerasima, this will be the next winter.
  • Migratory birds from the raised places break off — there will be floods. You can also expect strong winds and rains.

Name things today are noted: Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, George, Gerasim, Grigory, Daniil, Pavel, Ulyana, Yakov.

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