March 22 — forty magpies, magpies, the day of the lark. Morning frosts are possible
Krympress reports:
The date of March 22 is rich in names, and the tradition of these days is serious. Forty forties-the day on which the church honors the memory of the 40 martyrs-warriors of the Sevastian, who believed in Christ. They are known for the fact that in 320 A.D. In the Turkish city of Sevastia, they refused to sacrifice the idols. They explained their act simply: they worship the real God, and not the statues. Did they understand them then? No. The result? Warriors were executed. At night, the lakes were loaded into the ice water, and in the morning, when none of the martyrs betrayed faith, their legs killed. The bodies were taken to the city and burned at the stake.
The people were associated on March 22 with morning frosts. It was believed that they could continue for the next 40 days, and that’s why these days were “magpie”.
And even on March 22, the larks were honored. They expressed their respect, baking birds from sweet dough. They gave out goodies to the children and believed that they were attracted to spring.
As for the weather, then:
- What is the weather on March 22, this will be on July 12 to Petrovka.
- If the forty is warm, then forty days after it will also be warm.
- Cold wind — by 40 days of frost.
- Warm wind — summer will be incredible.
- Early spring portends a lean year.
- Swallows arrived earlier — to a rich harvest.
- Many forty and galls on March 22 — warm days will soon come.
- Seagulls are spinning — wait for the ice drift in the near future.
- The foliage has not yet bloomed, but the first thunder is heard — the year will be hungry.
- Strong frost — millet will be spoiled well.
Name days today they note: Alexandra, Alexander, Natalya,
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