March 26 — Nicephorus Day, purple day. And also — bears wake up
Krympress reports:
On March 26, the church honors the memory of St. Nicephorus. He lived in the VIII — IX centuries and was a patriarch of Constantinople. Nicephorus is known for his pious life and exploits in the name of faith.
The people believed that on Nicephorus the sun, baking, getting to the bear’s berlog and wakes the owner of the forest.
By the way, in Rus’ they talked that a bear is an enchanted person. Therefore, they treated this formidable beast with exceptional reverence.
As for the weather, then:
- On Nicephorus, the fog is unobtrus. The birch talked about the same if these days they gave a lot of juice.
- The early thunderstorm and the north wind promise a cool spring.
- Geese are bathed in water — to a rich harvest of bread.
- Sunny day — with a good crop of grain.
- The north wind blows and thunder rattles — the spring will be protracted, and the summer will be cold.
- If a warm, southern wind blows during a thunderstorm, then summer and spring will be warm.
- Swans arrived — wait for snowfall.
Name days now note: Alexander, Grigory, Christina, Mikhail, Nikolai, Terenty.
And on March 26, the world celebrates a very unusual date — a purple day. He was invented by nine -year -old Kessidi Megan, suffering from epilepsy. This disease is devoted to today. The baby wanted to show people that those suffering from such a difficult illness do not differ from them.
The initiative of Kessidi first received the support of the Association of Epilepsy of New Scotland, then other organizations of the world supported the idea of the holiday.
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