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March 28 — Nicandra Day. Talk to the spirits of the forest …

March 28 — Nicandra Day. Talk to the spirits of the forest …

Krympress reports:

On March 28, our ancestors called «Forest Standing». The day was dedicated to the forest, going there to bow to the local spirits.

Connoisseurs note that a Russian person has long been in a special way to the forest, because it was he who gave a person the same domestic utensils or inventory-everything was made of wood. In addition, the forest often performed a protective function, since it is very difficult to go through a dense thicket. On this day, healers collected herbs and healing plants, spoke them, prepared various drugs. It was precisely on March 28 to relieve damage, to treat head diseases. It was also a great time to make amulets.

In the church, on March 28, the memory of the holy martyr Nikandra is revered. He, as the legend says, working as a doctor, committed a large number of good deeds against Christians during organized persecution of them. Nikander visited prisoners in prisons, comforted the martyrs, buried those who were executed. Once, when Nikander tried to bury Christians torn to lions, he was seen by the imperial guards who seized Nikandra, and soon he was executed.

Signs of the day:

  • If there are few spring waters on Nikandra, and they flow slowly, then the year will be unfavorable.
  • On a cloudy day, Nikandra, the sun will appear due to clouds only at sunset-wait for the misfortune.
  • Sparrows tweeting — clear weather will come.
  • So that the howl wolves do not interfere with the sleep, you need to turn the pillow.
  • Seagulls arrived — wait for ice drift and warm weather.
  • Seagulls in water swim — there will be rain.
  • Sparrows are loudly tweeted — a sign of the fact that there will be clear weather.
  • Bright sunset — most likely, the next days will be very rainy.
  • If you take on March 28, your head itches — wait for minor troubles.
  • Weighty waters flow slowly — there will be crop failure.
  • On this day, you can’t wash your hair — otherwise the sign will become a sign that separation from relatives will have to.
  • To see an angel in a dream at night on March 28 is a good sign and a sign of longevity.
  • It is necessary to wear a pin on clothes before the sunset so that it is not visible to others — this will help to avoid the evil eye.
  • Two rings play a similar role — they can replace the pin.
Find out more:  Writers from all over Crimea will gather in Simferopol. When and where?

Name things today note: Alexey, Timofei, Alexander, Denis, Mikhail.

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