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March 4 is the day of Arkhip and Philemon. The birds are calling for warmth

March 4 is the day of Arkhip and Philemon. The birds are calling for warmth

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The day of Arkhip and Philemon is listed in the Christian calendar. The memory of these two apostles, as well as Saint Aphithia, is venerated. All three lived during the reign of Emperor Neroan (54-68) and suffered for their faith. They were brutally killed.

The people, since spring is gaining momentum, called March 4 “Spring Phil.” They believed that it was necessary to do as many good deeds as possible. They also believed that if the table was rich today, the family would not go hungry all year. The main dish, by the way, was a loaf, symbolizing the sun. They cut it into many pieces and treated it to relatives, loved ones, acquaintances, and just travelers walking past the yard.

As for weather signs, then:

  • Seagulls fly over the house — for warm weather.
  • Sunny day — the year will be fertile.
  • Snowdrifts around — spring will not come soon.
  • There are a lot of crows and jackdaws on the roads — the weather will be cloudy.
  • Red moon in the sky — the weather will be warm but damp.

Name days are celebrated today by: Peter, Casimir, Arkhip, Filimon, Bogdan, Evgeniy, Dmitry, Dositheus, Maxim, Konon, Nikita, Timofey, Fedor, Theodore, Theodotus, Apphia.

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