March 6 — Timofei Vesnov. Dreaming, saying things that night say that night
Krympress reports:
“Timothy began, it smelled of the doors with warmth” — such a saying was accompanied by such a saying on March 6 among the people. And today, the old people, for the first time in the last cold months, got out of the tuning and fussed, rode about that.
They also believed — what kind of Timofei Vesnovs, this will be spring:
- East wind blows — spring will come soon. The southern wind portends warm weather with rains, and the north — cold.
- Bridles and snowfalls are deceiving on March 6 — after a few days, the long -awaited warming will still come.
- The snow melted around the trees and left gentle edges — it will soon be warm.
- If the edges are cool — wait for cold days.
- The streams flowed early — the sign to the fact that Sev will also be early.
- Spring has come quickly — wait for early autumn.
- Swallows flew in-warm days are about to come.
- In the yard is high snowdrifts — the weather will be warm.
Keep in mind! On the night of March 6, only prophetic dreams dream!
Name days today they note: Alexander, George, Grigory, Daniil, Zakhar, Ivan,
And even on March 6, many countries of the world celebrate a marvelous and very delicate holiday — a snowdrop day. This flower is considered a symbol of hope. And, for example, in Europe and in England, there is an old belief that the snowdrops planted around the house take care of its inhabitants from evil spirits.
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