March 7 — Mauritius Day. Have you already seen the rooks?
Krympress reports:
On the day of Mauritius, they counted in Rus’, birds begin to return to the native lands. And they carry spring on their wings. Weather signs are today:
- If the pigeons are cooled, and the tits sit on the nests — to good weather and warming.
- A clear sun flaunts in a cloudless sky — the weather will soon change.
- The dawn is light pink or golden-the weather will be very good.
- Fasty day — summer will be wet.
- Cold weather per day — summer will also be very rainy. Similar weather is expected if there is fog.
- They ate and pine trees make noise — warming will come very soon.
- The snow is coming, the blizzard broke out — a sign of the fact that cold days ahead.
- The clouds hang high — wait for the rain with snow.
- Smooth snow promises a crop failure, and loose announces a rich harvest.
- Rooks drive nests — spring will be warm.
Name days today they note: Varvara, Vladimir, Andrey, Victor, Elizabeth,
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