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Martial arts program launched at Meganom Academy

Martial arts program launched at Meganom Academy

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Academy of Creative Industries «Meganom» (project «Tavrida.ART») together with the National Aikido Council of Russia launched a new educational program. From August 25 to 31, as part of the course, participants will look at martial arts from the point of view of sports and culture.

Music and calligraphy, sword and bow, ancient practices and modern technologies, a strong body and boundless spirit — all this awaits the students of the Martial Arts program developed by the Meganom Academy of Creative Industries in cooperation with the National Aikido Council of Russia (NSAR). The program takes place in person at the Meganom Academy site from August 25 to 31, 2023.

As part of the course, participants will learn the basics of psychology, aspects of coaching and the characteristics of psychological stress in sports. Together with experts, they will immerse themselves in the system for managing the motivation of athletes, study the specifics of communication in sports before and during competitions, and also understand the diagnosis and correction of personal characteristics and mental states of athletes. One of the blocks of the program will be devoted to PR technologies in sports and the promotion of martial arts in social networks.

Martial arts are the legacy of our ancestors. They would not have survived to our times if they were not so important in shaping the personality, creative and business qualities. Just as sport is a part of physical culture, physical culture itself is also a part of the image of a person. Martial arts teach not only to defend your interests, but also to resolve conflicts, but most importantly, they teach you to defeat yourself— says Viktor Sosnovsky, First Deputy Executive Director of NSAR.

Among the experts of the educational program, the President of the Regional Public Organization of the Republic of Armenia «Anyukai Society» Alexey Dyakov, a member of the all-Russian public organization «Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia» Dmitry Evdokimov, the chief freelance teacher-psychologist of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El Olga Kalmykova, the owner of the official highest diploma of a shakuhachi master, » Shihan of the oldest Japanese school of Kinko Ryu ( Alexander Ivashin, master of sports, sports referee, general director of the Moscow Aikido Federation Alexei Karashevsky, master of sports in aikido, referee of the All-Russian category, champion and prize-winner of the International and All-Russian competitions in Tomiki Aikido Alexey Kiselev, NSAR Deputy Executive Director for Public Relations, organizer of information coverage of projects in the field of martial arts Grigory Mishnov, co-founder of the TV channel «BOETS», founder of fitness projects: «Iron Factor», Internet channel GETBIG, and a leading specialist in the field of IT and Television in Russia Roman Dzhabelov, Chairman of the Public Council of the party project «United Russia» «Children’s Sport» in the Republic of Crimea, introduce yourself to the RSBI in the Crimea, the regional representative of the Federation of So Kyokushin in the Republic of Crimea Igor Kibchenko and a member of the presidium of the Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat, European Champion in traditional karate Vyacheslav Morozov.

Knowledge of the world of martial arts affects many areas of human life. Trying to survive, protect himself, prolong active longevity, man was forced to explore all areas of his life, mind and consciousness. Our goal within the program is to bring together outstanding practicing martial arts instructors who will pass on their experience to the existing generation of young instructors and practitioners. Including, forcing them to show flexibility of mind and body. The program will allow participants to improve their competencies in the types of martial arts they study and teach, gain new knowledge about the capabilities of the human body and competence at the intersection of world arts, expand the horizons of consciousness, link many knowledge together for use in everyday life, educate a harmoniously developed person, educated and enlightened for his life and work for the benefit of our country and future generations, – considers Alexey Dyakov, President of the MRPA RA “Anyukai Society”.

The main emphasis of the martial arts program will be on the methods of psychological training of athletes, various techniques and styles of martial arts, their philosophy, as well as the development of PR technologies in sports. Groups, divided into elements, will visit the classes «Taiji», «Sword. Onion. Jo” and “Asia in Focus”, where in addition to sports skills, participants will learn about the art of calligraphy, the tea ceremony, the Japanese flute and other subtleties of oriental culture. Every morning the programs will begin with traditional Chinese qigong exercises.

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In addition to group classes in Aikido, Iaido, Karate, Jodo and Shakuhachi, at meetings with participants, experts will show the unity of «Budo and Geido» and talk about Shodo, Cha No Yu, Shakuhachi, Qigong — the connection of meanings, techniques and times. The result of the program will be demonstration performances of martial arts masters — Embukai.

National Aikido Council of Russia (NSAR) was established in July 2005 with the aim of systematizing and coordinating the development of aikido in the Russian Federation. Today in the Russian Federation more than 75 thousand people are engaged in aikido and in more than 60 regions of Russia regional aikido organizations have been created and are functioning, whose activities are coordinated with the National Aikido Council of Russia. Without interfering in the technical process of teaching aikido, the National Aikido Council of Russia coordinates the activities of all organizations and clubs of aikido in Russia, and also solves general issues of the development of aikido in the Russian Federation.

Academy of Creative Industries «Meganom» is a new concept of an educational environment for young representatives of culture, art and creative industries, which has become the core of the Tavrida.ART youth and educational resort and one of the leading platforms in Russia for creating projects in the field of creative industries. The year-round educational center allows young creators to receive professional education under the supervision of recognized leaders in the field and take part in interactive projects prepared in collaboration with leading institutions and corporate partners.

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