May 15 is Boris and Gleb Day. You'll get more by sharing little
CrimeaPRESS reports:
May 15 was also called the Nightingale Festival, Whistlers, and Whistlers. They said: “Have time to sow grain for Boris and Gleb.” People believed that nightingales now begin their songs, and whoever hears a bird’s trill in the morning will be happy for a whole year. Also by May 15, ash and pansies were blooming.
On this day, cucumbers and pumpkins were sown. In order for vegetables to grow, a finger was buried in the ground before sowing. They also prayed, but during the landing process, on the contrary, they were silent.
The Church today honors the memory of the passion-bearing princes Boris and Gleb. They were the youngest sons of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.
As for weather signs, then:
- Does the nightingale sing loudly all day? Says goodbye to spring, and it’s time to welcome summer.
- A clear sunset on the day of Boris and Gleb — summer will also be clear and without precipitation.
- Warm day — there will be dark bread.
- The nightingale always stops singing before bad weather.
- A warm day on May 15 means a poor grain harvest.
- If the bird cherry blossoms and the nightingales sing, then you can expect a two-week cold spell.
- A bird singing on bare trees is a sign that there will be a crop failure in the garden.
- The water has subsided, and nightingale trills can be heard — it’s time to start sowing.
Name days are celebrated today: Boris, Gleb, Roman, Zoya, Mikhail, Afanasy, David, Esper, Kiriak and Theodul.
And on May 15, merchants and traders celebrated the holiday — Barysh Day. Fairs took place everywhere, where surplus grain, vegetables, various household items, and sweets were sold. For all traders, successful trading on this day foreshadowed great benefits throughout the year. In the evening, after the end of the auction, the merchants organized large feasts. The poor were always invited to the table, because it was believed that “by sharing a little, you gain a lot.”
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