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May 9 is Glafira-pea-pea day. They make spells for the harvest

May 9 is Glafira-pea-pea day. They make spells for the harvest

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On Glafira the Pea Day, people believed that it was simply necessary to plant peas and potatoes. Moreover, they were talked into a good harvest.

May 9 was also called Stepan the Equal Plow, Stepanov Day, Goroshnitsa. The Church today honors the memory of the righteous Glafira of Amasia, the virgin, as well as St. Stephen, Bishop of Great Perm. Both preached the Christian faith until the last day of their lives.

As for weather signs, then:

  • A clear day and a lot of dew means a rich harvest of cucumbers.
  • On May 9, the cuckoo croaks as if it were croaking for rain. If he “speaks” often and loudly, it means good weather.
  • The fresh morning wind intensifies during the day, and in the evening, on the contrary, weakens — the weather will be clear and stable.
  • Can’t you see the tops of the clouds? A severe thunderstorm is likely to begin in the next half hour.
  • Frost on this day promises repeated frosts in a week.
Name days on May 9 are celebrated by: Stepan, Peter, Ivan, Nikolai, Vasily, Glafira.

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