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Meganom Academy has developed projects for the development of a cultural and creative environment

Meganom Academy has developed projects for the development of a cultural and creative environment

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Crimea, representatives of 35 municipalities from different regions of the country developed projects for the development of a cultural and creative environment within the framework of the educational program “School of Creative Economy. Modern municipality. Meganomics» on the site of the Meganom Academy (project «Tavrida.ART»).

At the Academy of Creative Industries «Meganom» (project «Tavrida.ART») the educational program «School of Creative Economics. Modern municipality. Meganomics.» Participants from Crimea, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Rostov, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, and Astrakhan regions, together with experts, developed projects for the development of the cultural and creative environment of the territories, in order to then test their developments in practice on the ground.

During the intensive program, students of the program, together with representatives of creative communities, created 8 projects, the goal of which is to form and develop a cultural and creative environment in municipalities. A tourist agrocluster, a creative space, an ethnocity, an art district, a center for creative development, a sports cluster, an art residence, a personnel reserve and a creative festival — this is the list of projects that the participating teams worked on.

Meganom Academy has developed projects for the development of a cultural and creative environment Meganom Academy has developed projects for the development of a cultural and creative environment

Program participants learned how to obtain grant support for the implementation of creative projects. Deputy General Director of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, Igor Sobolev, told them about this. According to him, it is necessary for each municipality to encourage the participation of its applicants in grant competitions. At the same time, it is necessary to work with all types of applicants: business, individual entrepreneurs, commercial organizations, services — especially in the field of creative industries and creativity. In addition, he emphasized the importance of involving non-profit and public organizations, creative unions and associations of various representatives of culture and art in order to use the opportunities of the grant to realize their creative ideas.

If municipal authorities organize training in the skills of sociocultural design and participation in grant competitions, then the municipality will have a large number of declared projects and over time will convert them into victories in competitions, which will attract additional resources for the development of these municipalities and, in particular, creative industries. “School of Creative Economy. Modern municipality. Meganomics» is an opportunity to first train the representatives of municipal structures themselves, while at the same time teaching creative people from one or another municipality the possibilities of socio-cultural design and participation in competitions, and through these opportunities — developing their creative ideas to the level of project applications,” the press service of the art cluster “Tavrida.ART” quotes Igor Sobolev, First Deputy General Director of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.

The producer of the educational program is Daria Iodo, head of the network interaction service at Tavrida.ART. Among the experts are the founder of the “Laboratory of Thinking, Communication and Meaning” Evgenia Mironova, local historian, historian Tatyana Zorova, cultural director Angela Makarova, director of the Shatlyk art residence Gulchechek Kovalchuk, producer of the project in the field of creative industries MIRE Anastasia Stepanova, regional director development of the Flacon group of companies Mikhail Yegoshin, First Deputy General Director of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives Igor Sobolev.

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source: press service of the art cluster “Tavrida.ART”

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