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Mikhail Razvozhaev commented on the message of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly

Mikhail Razvozhaev commented on the message of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On February 29, Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev attended the announcement of the message of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly. The delegation from Sevastopol at the event also included Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol Vladimir Nemtsev, senators Ekaterina Altabaeva and Sergei Kolbin, State Duma deputy Tatyana Lobach and Chairman of the Public Chamber of Sevastopol Alexander Troshev.

The President announced a large-scale, comprehensive program for the country’s socio-economic development for the next six years – until 2030. Vladimir Vladimirovich voiced ambitious plans that can only be fulfilled by a self-sufficient country that looks confidently into the future. Thanks to all the efforts that will be aimed at developing the economy, human resources, strengthening technological sovereignty, we will be able to do all thisemphasized Mikhail Razvozhaev.

The governor noted that the order of the head of state Vladimir Putin to expand the program of capital repairs of schools became one of the most important families.

The presidential program for capital repairs of schools added kindergartens and secondary vocational educational institutions, including dormitories. This is very important for the entire education sector. For me, as the chairman of the State Council of Education commission, this decision announced by the head of state was long-awaited. And another important decision in this same area is the instruction to the Government to develop a system of a unified wage scale for the remuneration of our teachers, so that there are equal salaries throughout the country. I will actively participate in the development of this issue.,” Mikhail Razvozhaev emphasized.

The head of Sevastopol also emphasized the importance of the thesis expressed by the president about the need to support large families and generally improve the demographic situation.

The President not only emphasized that a large large family should become the norm in Russia, but also acknowledged the fact that low incomes remain an acute problem. Vladimir Vladimirovich outlined a clear program of action: this includes the launch of a new national project “Family”, and the allocation of funds to regions with low birth rates to expand family support measures, and the extension of preferential family mortgages and the maternity capital program until 2030, and an increase in tax deductions for families with children, and many other measures, which together are designed to lead to a sustainable increase in the birth rate over the next six yearsnoted the governor.

On February 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a message to the Federal Assembly. In his speech, he outlined the most important issues on the socio-political and economic agenda. Particular attention was paid to supporting participants in a special military operation and members of their families, demographic policy, support for families with children, and the development of social infrastructure. The head of state announced the launch of five new national projects: “Family”, “Long and Active Life”, “Youth of Russia”, “Personnel” and “Data Economy”.

Find out more:  On March 14, a round table: “Sevastopol is the patriotic capital of Russia. The start of the second decade "Return to the Native Harbor" "

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