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Milling Titanium: Discover the power and benefits of this extraordinary metal

Milling Titanium: Discover the power and benefits of this extraordinary metal

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Titanium milling — a process that requires high precision and experience. Unlike other metals, it tends to “stick” to the tool during processing, which can cause damage to the tool or even the product itself.

Titanium — a material that requires a special approach when processing.

  1. Firstly, processing temperature plays an important role. Titanium begins to oxidize at temperatures of 500 degrees Celsius and above. Therefore, it is recommended to use cooling during milling.
  2. Secondly, feed rate and tool rotation speed also matter. Too high a speed can cause overheating and deformation of the workpiece, while too low a speed can cause tool wear.


Strength: Titanium is one of the strongest materials on the planet. This makes it ideal for use in situations where high strength is required.

Corrosion resistance: The metal is highly resistant to corrosion, making it a durable material for a variety of applications.

Biocompatibility: In medicine, often used for implants due to its biocompatibility.

Ease: Despite its strength, it is quite lightweight, making it suitable for use in aviation and the automotive industry.


Price: One of the main disadvantages is the cost. This is an expensive material, which may be a barrier for some companies.

Difficulty of processingA: Milling requires specialized tools and skills due to its strength and corrosion resistance.

High temperature during processing: At titanium milling generates a large amount of heat which can damage the tool or part

Tool wear: Because of its rigidity and corrosion resistance, titanium can wear out tools faster than other materials.

When choosing a tool for milling titanium, you should consider its material. HSS tools can wear out quickly, so it is better to choose tools made from carbide or polycrystalline diamond.

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Safety must be taken into account when working with titanium. This metal is capable of spontaneous combustion under certain conditions, so precautions and proper equipment should always be used.

It is worth noting that titanium milling is a process that requires certain skills and knowledge. But thanks to its unique properties and capabilities, this metal continues to conquer new areas of application — from the automotive industry to the space industry.

In conclusion, I would like to say: yes, milling titanium is a difficult task. But with the right knowledge and tools, it becomes possible. And the results? They speak for themselves.

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