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Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea: acceptance of documents for reimbursement of costs for the creation / modernization of agricultural facilities and the purchase of equipment

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea: acceptance of documents for reimbursement of costs for the creation / modernization of agricultural facilities and the purchase of equipment

CrimeaPRESS reports:

From September 8, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea begins accepting documents for reimbursement of part of the direct costs incurred for the creation, modernization of agro-industrial complex, as well as for the purchase and commissioning of marking equipment for the introduction of mandatory labeling of certain types of dairy products. Documents are provided for inclusion in the application documentation of the Republic of Crimea, submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Documents can be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea from 8 to 13 September 2023 inclusive at the address: Simferopol, st. Kyiv, 81, (office 101).

More detailed information can be found on the website of the Ministry at the link:

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