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Ministry of Health of Crimea: why appointments with highly specialized doctors are organized through a therapist

Ministry of Health of Crimea: why appointments with highly specialized doctors are organized through a therapist

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea explained why appointments with highly specialized doctors are organized through a local therapist. The initial examination is carried out by a therapist — a doctor with the greatest medical knowledge. To establish a diagnosis and choose further treatment tactics, a specialist needs to have the results of additional examinations, a referral for which can also be prescribed by a therapist.

The same symptom can occur in different diseases, for example, a cough can be due to ARVI or gastrointestinal diseases — the therapist will figure it out and refer you to the right specialist for an appointment. Receiving a referral from a local physician allows you to avoid self-medication and self-diagnosis, which is often erroneous. By reducing the number of unnecessary consultations, a specialist doctor has more time to work with those patients who really need his help. Patients undergoing dynamic observation have access to an independent appointment with a specialized specialist and are saved in full,” noted the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea.

You can make an appointment with a local therapist through the Unified Portal of State Services, the regional portal of state medical services center of medical institutions in the region or at the reception desk, including through information machines, in a medical institution.

source: according to the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea

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