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More than 100 km of roads leading to the checkpoint in Crimea have been restored in the Kherson region

More than 100 km of roads leading to the checkpoint in Crimea have been restored in the Kherson region

CrimeaPRESS reports:

More than 100 km of roads leading through the Armyansk and Perekop checkpoints to Crimea have been restored in the Kherson region, its head Vladimir Saldo said.

In the Kherson region, more than 100 kilometers of asphalt road to Crimea through the Armyansk and Perekop checkpoints were brought into standard condition. As Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Khusnullin noted, the restoration of this land route to Crimea will relieve congestion at the Dzhankoy checkpoint and improve transport links with our southern neighbor, — he wrote in Telegram channel.

Saldo noted that “good roads” will facilitate logistics, attract investors and guests to the region, and will also “become a driver for the socio-economic development of the Kherson region.”

source: TASS

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